MassCUE Learning Tour – Needham, MA
MassCUE organizes Learning Tours in districts throughout the state to showcase best practices in instructional technology and promote professional connections and collegiality discussions among educators. Guest blogger, Mary Werlin, shares her recent experience after attending a Learning tour hosted by Erin Mack, Instructional Technology Specialist of High Rock School in Needham, MA.
Sixth grade students at High Rock School excitedly and seamlessly demonstrated their expertise with Green Screens, iMovie, Stop Motion and Scratch to a group of visiting teachers. Erin Mack, the school’s Instructional Technology Specialist, has transformed the school’s traditional lab into a digital creation collaboration space. Students working in pairs rotate through assigned activities designed to engage and motivate.
Erin’s goal is to not only create a collaborative space in the lab but to also make sure all parts are movable. Teachers now have the flexibility to utilize these multimedia tools in their classrooms.
At the end of the hour, Erin led the teachers in a round table discussion explaining the organization and implementation of this “Creation Lab.” Thanks, MassCUE and Needham, for providing such a great opportunity. Learning Tours are free to MassCUE members. Click HERE to find out about future Learning Tours.
About the Author: Mary Werlin is a former Instructional Technology Specialist with Lexington and Needham Public Schools and is currently a member of MassCUE’s Professional Development Committee