Statement from MassCUE Board of Directors - MassCUE

Statement from MassCUE Board of Directors

June 2, 2020   

As an organization serving educators across the Commonwealth, the MassCUE Board of Directors recognizes the escalating rise in tension around the country and locally. We stand with members of our communities who are suffering, whose voices are not being heard and who seek justice. We stand in solidarity with educators across the Commonwealth in asserting that Black Lives Matter.   

MassCUE is committed to providing resources to support the professional growth and development of educators during uncertain times. We are committed to fostering anti-racist learning communities in our schools, as well as supporting and learning with educators striving for inclusivity, cultural responsiveness and equity in our world.   

Henry Turner, Principal of Newton North High School and a valued MassCUE member, wrote a powerful reflection this past weekend. Henry has graciously allowed for us to share it with you in this statement.   

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