MassCUE Election for Officers 2023 - MassCUE

MassCUE Election for Officers 2023

This spring (2023) we will elect three (3)  officers to the MassCUE Board of Directors, including President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Below you will find this year’s candidates. Please take a few minutes to read through their information. Voting will take place from Friday, April 14th through Sunday, April 23rd.  A link for the ballot will be sent out to our membership at that time.  Your membership must be valid before April 1, 2023 in order to be eligible to vote. You may log in to your membership profile to make sure your membership is current.

Meet the Candidates


Steve Guditus

Steve Guditus

Steve Guditus is the Principal of Eddy Elementary School in Brewster, MA, which is part of the Nauset Regional School District. Steve is passionate about student engagement, innovation, and integrating edtech with fidelity, purpose, and to facilitate higher order thinking. Steve is passionate about building relationships with educators and learning from one another. Steve has presented at various local, regional, and national conferences, and was a 2017 MassCUE Pathfinder Award Recipient. Steve is a co-organizer of EdCamp Boston, and has served on various panels and cabinets, including the The Teacher Collaborative, TeachersConnect, Venture Cafe, and the DESE Principal Cabinet. Steve earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Hamilton College in Clinton, NY, a master’s degree in teaching and learning from Harvard Graduate School of Education, and a master’s degree in organizational management from Endicott College. He was a director of educational technology for the Tri-Town School Union, which serves the elementary schools of Boxford, Topsfield and Middleton, MA; a middle school social studies teacher at Blake Middle School in Medfield, MA; an assistant principal at Stony Brook Middle School in Westford, MA; and a principal at Manchester-Essex Regional Middle School in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA prior to his current role.



Kim Keith

Kim Keith

Kim Keith is a Library/Media Specialist at the M. E. Small Elementary School in West Yarmouth. Kim received her undergraduate degree from Westfield State University and her Masters in Library and Information Studies at the University of Rhode Island. She has been in her present position for more than a decade and worked in the Barnstable Public Schools for 20 years. She is a member of MSLA and AASL.




TJ Carron

TJ Carron

TJ Carron currently serves as the Director of Technology for the Southern Worcester County Regional Vocational School District, as well as an Adjunct Professor at Quinsigammond Community College in Worcester. Prior to this, he served for a decade with Northborough & Southborough Public Schools in a variety of technology support positions, most recently District Technology Manager.

TJ has been involved in MassCUE for what must be a decade, since the move of the fall conference venue to Gillette Stadium. Each year he was eager to see the work of the MassCUE Board and many others as the walkways became smaller and smaller as more administrators, educators, and students packed the venue to share our combined passion for EdTech.

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