Chris Gosselin
Position: President-Elect, Partial term
My name is Chris Gosselin, and I am the Digital Learning Coach at the Sanborn Elementary School in the Andover Public Schools. Over my most recent term as an elected MassCUE Board Member, I successfully led the re-alignment of the Development and Outreach Committee, introduced the exciting new MassCUE Champions Ambassador Program and launched “CUEups”, which are regional social events for educators. Additionally, I have actively served on the Fall Conference Committee and Influence and Advocacy Committee.
If elected President-Elect, I pledge to work enthusiastically and collaboratively with the Board to continue to provide meaningful opportunities to educate, connect and inspire the innovative educators of Massachusetts. I humbly look forward to the chance to lead this amazing organization as we look ahead with “2020” vision!
Bonnie Nieves
Position: Member at Large
Bonnie Nieves is a high school Biology teacher with a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership. She is passionate about creating immersive and authentic experiences that fuel curiosity and creating student-centered, culturally responsive learning spaces that promote equity and inclusion. She is a Google Level 2 certified educator, teacher ambassador for Wakelet, Buncee, Seesaw, Listenwise, and is currently writing a book for EduMatch Publishing. She is a member of the Grants Committee and MassCUE Champions. Social Media: Twitter – biologygoddess Instagram – beawesomeonpurpose; wooliescience Voxer – bonnienieves
John O’Neill
Position: Member at Large
Nelson Mandela stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is with this in mind I offer my dedication and enthusiasm to the MassCUE Board. I believe that an organization with the capabilities of MassCUE can impact the lives of Educators throughout Massachusetts. This, in turn, will create exciting and unlimited opportunities for students in classrooms to achieve the power Mr. Mandela is suggesting.
Having been involved with MassCUE over the past few years as an attendee at Googlepalooza events, the Fall and Spring Conferences, MassCUE is making an impact on Education. Where else have 2,000 educators from across the Commonwealth gathered to share and grow?
If I am selected to fill the position remaining on the Board, I would continue to support not only the goals of the Strategic Plan, but the Mission Statement to Educate, Connect, and Inspire.
Jared Perrine
Position: Member at Large
Jared Perrine is the Director of Innovation, Technology, and Digital Learning at the Benjamin Banneker Charter Public School. He is the Coordinator of the school’s Adventure Club and Innovation Lab and co-founder of RunBoston Running Tours. He is a proud board member/committee member of MassCUE and a board member of METAA (state chapter of CoSN). He also has his Massachusetts CTO certification (based on CETL), is a member of the Digital Learning Advisory Council (DLAC), and is a 2015 MassCUE Pathfinder. Formerly a teacher, Jared has his M.Ed. from Lesley University in Instructional Technology.
Colleen Terrill
Position: Member at Large
My role as co-chair of the Professional Development Committee and member of OEC and Communications have afforded me with the opportunity to work with amazing educators and be part of the decision making for many past and current decisions with MassCUE. Within these three committees we have worked on many new ways to engage, inform and educate educators. We have developed a podcast to reach members, non-members and potential in a non-traditional way. We have seen success with an increase in engagement with each episode. We want to be of service to educators providing a variety of affordable and relevant professional learning. With OEC, I have been involved in CUEups to provide a social opportunity to get educators together, with the support of a vendor, to connect with other educators in a relaxed atmosphere. The communications committee has focused on ways to inform educators about what MassCUE can do for them. It has been an honor to be a part of this organization and to have seen it grow so much in the past two years. I look forward to continuing to have the opportunity to be a part of this organization.
Twitter and Instragram: @cterrillteach