Special Interest Group: Southeast Coast, Cape and Islands Technology Coordinators (SCITT) - MassCUE

Special Interest Group: Southeast Coast, Cape and Islands Technology Coordinators (SCITT)

By Karen McGrath and Ryan McGee

SCITT Special Interest Group has had a very active 15-16 school year so far! The group meets monthly on Fridays to explore many different topics as they relate to all aspects of Technology in Education. From Networks, Hardware, Software, Connectivity, Wi-Fi, to Instructional Support, the group explores any and all topics. Each month the meeting rotates to different schools along the Southeast Coast and the Cape. Topics this year have included Assistive Technology, Mobile Device Management, PARCC, MakerSpaces, and Redefining Professional Development.  Our upcoming meetings include, Using Forms to automate daily office procedures and LanSchool. Typically we spend the first hour talking about our chosen topic, and then we open the floor to any other topics of interest. Many times we have featured speakers. These may include vendors or other educators who are willing to share their special projects.

We began the year talking about the best approach to supporting Assistive Technologies. Special Education Director Heather Tucker from Stoughton joined the meeting to discuss the team approach they use in Stoughton.  The following month at Sturgis, we discussed the many mobile device management system options. Brett Lindholm championed Mereki and demonstrated the many features of the system.  In November, the group met in Dartmouth to share experiences around the PARCC piloting going on in each district. It is always great to share and learn from each other’s experiments. Many things shared at this meeting was helpful to the group, who are all going through the same trials and errors!

In December, Cathy Collins and John Marcus from Sharon Public Schools came to Sandwich to share their work with MakerSpaces. During the meeting they had many recommendations based on their experiences. They not only shared the great success they are having, but cautioned the group about some of the potential pitfalls. This kind of sharing is beneficial for all who are considering having Makerspaces in their schools.

In January, Colleen Terrill and Suzy Brooks shared Google Classroom Modules they developed for Professional Development in Mashpee. The topic was “Redefining Professional Development”. Many ideas were generated around how to continue to support staff as they create meaningful experiences for students through technology integration activities.

This is a great group of educators who share and support one another’s work. The group is open to all. Please consider joining us!

SIG Leaders:

Ryan McGee, Stoughton Public Schools

Karen McGrath, Sandwich Public Schools




Upcoming Meetings:

February 26th West Bridgewater Host: John Collins

March 18th Acushnet Host: Chris Oliver

April 15th Upper Cape Tech Host: Brett Lindholm

May 20th Duxbury Host: Cheryl Lewis

June 17th Barnstable Host: Bethann Orr

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