MassCUE is pleased to announce that Laura Gardner has been chosen as our Social Media Ambassador for the upcoming school year. This stipended position works with the MassCUE Communications Committee to promote MassCHUE’s misson by helping to spread the word about all the exciting events, such as workshops, conferences, classroom grants, through social media.
Laura has been a school librarian for over ten years and is Teacher Librarian and National Junior Honor Society advisor at Dartmouth Middle School. A National Board Certified Teacher in Library Media, Laura serves on the board of the Massachusetts School Library Association and co-runs a special interest group on MakerSpaces for MassCUE. She is a 2016 Touchcast Ambassador; she and her students have created hundreds of Touchcast video presentations. Laura’s library is student-centered above all and focuses on collaboration and creativity.
Be sure to follow @masscue on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.