Technology Integration SIG
MassCUE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a great way to connect with other members in your region or your area of interest.
View the article below and learn more about how the Technology Integration SIG uses their meetings as opportunities to share ideas and updates on technology.
When you’re responsible for the integration of technology with a focus on curriculum and student learning in your school or district, you’re usually the one developing and offering professional development (PD) for others. There aren’t as many opportunities for you to take part in PD for yourself. For members of the MassCUE Technology Integration Special Interest Group (SIG), meetings are a form of PD just for them – time set aside to share ideas and updates on technology and to get their questions answered.
“People in my district often ask me how I stay on top of all of the changes in educational technology,” says Technology Integration SIG Co-Leader Ryan Camire. “It’s because of groups like this. Everyone is helpful and supportive of each other. It’s where we get the most important information on resources and tools.”
Each monthly meeting is jam-packed with opportunities to learn and share. Typical meetings can include tech updates where members share news about changes to software, resources or tools; project highlights, where members can share projects that have worked well for them in their districts; demos of tools or resources so members can see them in action; time for questions; and news about upcoming conferences and events. The group also has a Google Group for members who have questions outside of meetings.
“All of the participants in this group are very helpful,” says Camire. “If you have a question, you can send it to that Google Group and that day you’ll get three answers to your question.”
Meetings have been virtual, but the group is interested in adding in-person meetings in the future as well. Camire says the group is open to anyone who is working in a technology integration role and that potential members should not worry they will be obliged to attend every meeting. Members on the email list have access to agendas and meeting recordings.
“The agendas always contain a lot of resources and links and members are free to add items to an agenda,” says Camire. “So even if you can’t be there in the moment, you can contribute and gain something out of it.”
If you would like more information about the Technology Integration SIG, including how to join, visit the SIG page on our website.