• Graduate Credit for attending Fall Conference

    MassCUE 2023 Fall Conference BSU Credit Option

    Bridgewater State University Credit Option Earn Graduate Credits for Attending the Fall Conference   MassCUE Fall Conference 2023 attendees are eligible to earn 1 graduate credit from Bridgewater State University. To apply, simply fill out an application and complete a final project. More details are available on the Bridgewater State...

  • Featured Educator Sean Fitzgerald

    November Featured Educator – Sean Fitzgerald

    MassCUE is pleased to announce Sean Fitzgerald as our Featured Educator for November 2023! In 2015, Sean Fitzgerald had an epiphany. Driving home after helping some family members move, he had an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and purpose for having helped someone else. A fourth grade teacher at the Richard...

  • I&A Update: Back to School Connectivity Challenge

    November I&A Update: Back to School Connectivity Challenge The US Office of Educational Technology (OET) is hoping to share information about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) designed to support families in getting access to the internet. They currently have 21 million households that have gained access through ACP but there...

  • Grants

    Classroom Grants – Opened October 18th

    Bring Your Innovative Idea to Life With a MassCUE Grant! MassCUE is pleased to announce that we will begin accepting applications for Classroom Grants on October 18th. MassCUE’s competitive Classroom Grants offer up to $3,000 to current MassCUE members. The grant application for the 2023-2024 year will open on October...

  • Congratulations to MassCUE’s 2023 Educator Scholarship Winners

    Educators who attend the MassCUE Fall Conference are inspired to try new things, discover new ideas and gain skills that they can use right away with their students. This year, the theme is MassCUE4ALL and MassCUE is pleased to announce that educators from 22 schools and districts around the commonwealth...

  • Fall Conference 2023: Celebrate our Award Winners

    Join us at our Fall Conference 2023 to congratulate and celebrate our upcoming award recipients.  We are pleased to honor the recipients of the Pathfinder Award and the Shelley Chamberlain Community Service Award.   Michael Tinker Digital Learning Specialist, Pembroke Public Schools Mike came to Pembroke in 2021 eager and...

  • Dr. Rayna Freedman

    October Featured Educator – Dr. Rayna Freedman

    MassCUE is pleased to announce Dr. Rayna Freedman as our Featured Educator for October 2023! Dr. Rayna Freedman does not see herself as a teacher, but as a facilitator of learning. A fifth grade teacher at Jordan-Jackson Elementary School in Mansfield, she has always been progressive and student-centered. She knew...

  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning

    I&A Update: Artificial Intelligence

    October I&A Update: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning The United States Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology published a new policy report — Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations. The report describes AI as a rapidly-advancing set of technologies...

  • Apply for a Fall Conference Educator Scholarship

    Want your teachers to experience the professional development and innovative ideas shared at the MassCUE Fall Conference, but not sure it’s in the budget this year? Apply for an Educator Scholarship! MassCUE is pleased to announce we will be offering 38 scholarships for the 2023 Fall Conference, generously funded by...

  • Be a Volunteer at the Fall Conference

    Fall Conference Registration is Open

    Registration is open!  Your favorite digital learning conference is back, October 18-19 at Gillette stadium. Visit the Fall Conference section of our website for everything you need to know about the 2023 MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is MassCUE4ALL. Presentations and workshops will cover topics across the...

  • Gretchen Webster

    September Featured Educator – Gretchen Webster

    MassCUE is pleased to announce Gretchen Webster as our Featured Educator for September 2023! When you teach English Language Learners (ELLs) at the elementary level, every day is a little bit different. For Gretchen Webster, who transitioned into the role of an ELL educator after a decade as a literacy...

  • Corporate Partners 23-24

    MassCUE Corporate Partners 2023-2024

    Welcome 2023/24 Corporate Partners!  MassCUE is proud to announce our Corporate Partners for 2023-2024 Our PLATINUM Partners: Custom Computer Specialists, Fortinet, Gaggle, Ockers, Renaissance and TechMD. Our GOLD Partners: CDW-G, ClassLink, Imagine Learning, ProAV, Promethean, Proximity Learning,  and Teq. Our SILVER Partners: IntraSystems, ReachMyTeach and Rediker. Our NONPROFIT Partner: Collaborative...