Get Inspired: Develop Growth Mindset with your Students!
Have you explored your own mindset? Do you recognize how your classroom and building practices impact student mindsets? Join other educators for our new online workshop: Growth Mindset: Exploring Your Own Classroom Mindset Practices and Using Technology to Help Students Develop a Growth Mindset. Register Now for the 4 week...
Monthly Twitter Chat
Looking for new ideas in the classroom? Have great ideas to share? Join us for MassCUE’s first Twitter chat of the New Year. It will be on January 15, at 8:30pm. Be sure to follow @MasscUE and @MrsErinFisher for more information. You can participate in the chat by using the...
Speak Up America Week!
It’s Speak Up America Week! Educators: don’t miss your chance to win prizes this month and next (as part of Speak Up Appreciation Week)! MassCUE is offering two complimentary registrations to our Fall 2019 conference! Just share your views as part of the research project. Once completed, you can enter...
The Power of the Podcast
I spent the summer after my son Rayner was born, pushing his stroller around our neighborhood. I loved being able to get some fresh air and a little bit of exercise, about as much energy as I could muster with a newborn. While walking around, I found myself yearning for...
Share your data story: Attend the Datapalooza 2019!
Does your district have a story to share about how it uses data? Are you curious about what other school systems are doing with data? Check out all the fabulous sessions at MassCUE’s second annual Datapalooza. Register now so you can be part of this day professional development learning about...
Reminder: Register Now for our Datapalooza 2019!
Check out all the fabulous sessions at MassCUE’s second annual Datapalooza. Register now so you can be part of this day professional development learning about data.
MassCUE offers Administrator Scholarships for Spring Leadership Conference 2019
Never attended the MassCUE/MASCD Spring Leadership Conference? Now is your chance to attend with complimentary registration for you and a fellow building level administrator from your district! MassCUE will be offering 2 administrator scholarships! If you are a building level administrator wishing to attend for the 1st time, now is...
Lee Tighe
For the Love of Learning “From the moment I saw my daughters’ faces light up when they ‘got it,’ I knew that providing children with access to knowledge was my passion.” These are the words of December’s Featured Educator, Lee Tighe. After raising her children and working outside of education...
Spring Leadership Conference 2019 Call for Proposals Deadline Extended!
Consider submitting a proposal that is connected to our major theme, Lead with Courage. The theme is related to our keynote author Julie Wilson’s book, The Human Side of Changing Education: How to Lead Change With Clarity, Conviction, and Courage. What might you be doing in your district, school, or...
Make CS Accessible to All Students with physical computing
by Rashmi Primrikar Reposted with permission of author from original post 9/14/18 www.iste.org The notion that computer science education is essential for all is picking up steam in the United States; however, we still are a long way from making it accessible and equitable for all. The reality is that...
Datapalooza 2019 Schedule Posted: Register Now!
Check out all the fabulous sessions at MassCUE’s second annual Datapalooza. Register now so you can be part of this day professional development learning about data.
Virtual Reality in the Art Classroom
“Wow! No way! Wait, how do I do this?” After some basic instruction, an art student at Hopkinton High School explores this new virtual environment. While it takes some time to gain familiarity with these new tools, students are mesmerized by the experience. The simulated ability to move around and...