• When STEM Meets Creativity

    There are many ways to expand student learning using technology, but it can be taken to the next level when STEM meets creativity. Margo Bridges has found the formula to make this happen in her classroom. As a teacher of STEM for the past six years, Margo’s class has evolved...

  • The Digital Toolkit: Art for Today’s Market!

    New digital art assignments are in the works and my formerly traditional art room now has been upgraded to include the array of practical illustration, animation and graphic design lessons I need to prepare my class of burgeoning creative minds for in today’s globalized cloud driven art market. My shiny...

  • Show & Tell in the 5th Grade

    Our project was named Show & Tell in the 5th Grade. Our plan was to have students record themselves solving math problems to post to a class website. We imagined a Khan Academy-like site for our students. We quickly learned that it was not as easy as it sounded. We...

  • Grants

    Psst!! Top 3 Reasons Why You Want To Get To Know MassCUE Grants Committee

    As a member of MassCUE, you have full access to a multitude of amazing benefits and offerings put forth by the organization! The Grants Committee facilitates funding opportunities for members to connect, inspire and educate in a variety of ways.  Lifelong learning, leading up and bringing innovation to classrooms is...

  • Make It Mobile – Traveling Technology Kits

    Grateful!! That is the word that comes to mind when I reflect on the past several months of technology teaching and student learning in my district’s elementary schools. I was lucky enough to receive a MassCUE grant to create mobile technology units to share with all 5 of our Kindergarten...

  • Teaching: A Reflective Practice

    Many of us often think of ourselves as creatures of habit. We all have our comfort zones and grow to rely on routines to keep us grounded. It’s natural to shy away from challenges at first, but also rewarding to step outside of our comfort zone and grow through new...

  • Using Chromebooks for Curation of Digital Portfolios

    The arrival of 15 Chromebooks was something of an oddity in our elementary school where we have primarily turned to Macbooks over the past few years as part of a technology adoption plan. My sixth graders were certainly intrigued as they saw the pile of stylish laptops in the classroom....

  • Level 1 Badge EXPLORER

    Recognizing Our Lifelong Learners

    Are you a lifelong learner who uses digital resources to promote your teaching and student learning? Then the new MassCUE Digital Educator Recognition Program is for you! Since Fall 2018, the MassCUE Professional Development Committee has been developing a program to honor and recognize our members who are competent in...

  • How to Create Google Forms Locked Mode Lessons

    Article by Laura Cahill Original post Engage Educate, January 25 2019 Reposted with permission Locked Mode Quiz is Released! Google released their long-awaited Locked Mode Quizzes for the Forms app this week and some of its implications are obviously useful for teachers. Being able to give a secure quiz on...

  • Introducing Cybersecurity Concepts in the K-12 Classroom

    Article by Kristeen Shabram, March 29, 2019 reposted with permission from CSTA   As a Career and Technical Educator, equipping students with career-readiness skills, like communication, problem-solving, and collaboration, is my first-order priority in the classroom. While these skills focus on preparing students to be successful in the workforce, we...

  • Chrystal Hoe

    A ‘Chrystal’ Clear Passion for Education

    If energy and passion are essential to achieving success, then this month’s Featured Educator is the epitome of both. Meet Chrystal Hoe, a technology integrator with a desire to support education in a multitude of ways. Her ability to lead others in the charge to create meaningful, engaging learning experiences...

  • Takeaways Image

    #edcampMAleads 2019

    This year over 100 educational leaders woke up early on a Saturday morning in February and traveled to Franklin, Massachusetts to attend #edcampMALeads. This edcamp is a form of unconference designed specifically for leaders and their needs. Unlike traditional conferences which have schedules set months in advance by the people...