I Survived (and Thrived) Through ISTE Educator Certification and You Can Too!
Posted on October 7, 2019The following article is reposted from its original with permission of author, Lauren Cahill. When I first saw a tweet from ISTE that they were working on an educator’s certification, I texted my department manager and said, “Let’s do this.” The truth is, I am a certification collector and I...
Designing to Engage and Educate
Posted on September 30, 2019MassCUE is pleased to announce this month’s Featured Educator, Laura Cahill. As one of Worcester’s go-to educators for learning with technology, Laura is an artist at assisting educators in designing tools that will “engage-and-educate” a diverse population of learners. For the past two years, Laura has served as a district...
Making Augmented Reality…a Reality!
Posted on September 23, 2019Each year, all 6th grade students receive an orientation to the library. As new students in my school, it is important that they know my expectations and how to fully utilize the library as a resource in their education. My orientation has always had some tech element to it, and...
Reflecting on EdcampBoston 2019, Six Months Later…
Posted on September 9, 2019One of the many things that MassCue does to support learning across the Commonwealth is supporting EdCamps. Including Edcamp Boston. Edcamps are “unconferences” that are free to attend thanks to the generous donations of sponsors. As I reflect back on the incredible day in March, I am so grateful that...
How To: Students Make Word Cloud Arguments
Posted on September 2, 2019The following article is reposted from its original with permission of author, MJ Linane. Essays can get boring for students to write. It can also get boring for teachers to read and grade all of them. There are other ways for teachers to teach argument and creativity. We already know...
Enter Flipgrid
Posted on August 26, 2019As educational communities grow more comfortable with integrating technology into teaching and learning practices, we can easily get caught up in all that is “shiny” and “new.” Sure, the SAMR model is still here guiding the pedagogical practices of instructional technology, but in my experience in teaching with digital tools...
Nominate a Featured Educator Today!
Posted on August 23, 2019Each month, MassCUE recognizes teachers who embrace innovative practices using technology in the classroom. With a focus on student outcomes, these teachers embody MassCUE’s mission to “Educate, Connect, Inspire”. This year, we have had no shortage of dedicated individuals who are making a difference every day in the lives of...
Attending the BLC in Boston… My First Conference
Posted on August 19, 2019The following article is reposted with permission by Joshua Ray Original post July 29, 2019 This July I was fortunate enough to have participated in the 2019 BLC (Building Learning Communities) education conference put on by Alan November himself. Our team of five (4 teachers and our head of schools) flew...
A Reflection on ISTE19
Posted on August 12, 2019As an ISTE affiliate, the MassCUE board members arrive a day early to meet with affiliates from all over the world. This year the schedule included a round table and an Edcamp session both in the morning and afternoon. Some of the topics included Marketing, Strategies and Tools, Building Diversity...
EdCamp Cape Cod 2019 Success!
Posted on August 5, 2019On Monday, July 15, more than 30 educators gathered at Barnstable High School for EdCamp Cape Cod. Some came from as far away as Chicago! EdCamp Cape Cod is in its 7th year, and we had many returning edcampers, as well as a good amount of first time edcampers! From...
Apollo Remembered: STEM/STEAM Inspiration
Posted on July 1, 2019This is the year of several 50th Anniversaries of the Apollo Project Moon landing in 1969. This 1961-1972 adventure is remembered for its uniqueness in tackling one of the most courageous, challenging and forward-thinking initiatives in the 20th century – manned flights to the Moon, orbit, landing, re-docking, and safe...
iPad Apps in the Elementary School Library: Learning about Coding with Awbie and Doink
Posted on June 24, 2019In the elementary school library, we focus heavily on promoting books and suggesting new books for students to read. Another more recent emphasis has been on teaching students how to code. The iPad allows students to focus on both reading and coding with fun, engaging and educational apps that also...