Guest Blog Rules
MassCUE invites ed tech professionals to contribute to the conversation by writing a guest blog post. Blog authors are essential to making OnCue blog a vibrant ed tech resource. Contributing to OnCue is a powerful and easy way to demonstrate your professional expertise in the field of education technology. We put emphasis on being a local organization and welcome submissions from Massachusetts and our neighboring communities.
If you’re interested in contributing, please follow these guidelines:
General Guidelines
- Posts must be relevant to MassCUE’s OnCue local audience of educators and education leaders.
- By submitting a post to OnCue you certify that you own or have permission to use the content you submit.
- You certify that the article is not under contract with another publisher with a republication restriction.
- Potential blog topics include education technology, technology and teaching trends, education and technology advocacy, MassCUE conferences and webinars.
Formatting Guidelines
- Recommended blog post length is 400-600 words (maximum of 800 words).
- Posts should be formatted for an online audience. (Shorter paragraphs are preferred. Lists are effective too, if it applies to your post.)
- We reserve the right to reformat the article to meet the needs of OnCue
- MassCUE accepts photos and videos with posts. Contributors must have permission to use any of the images and/or videos they submit.
- Include a brief bio (30-50 words), and byline that includes your name as you would like it to appear in the post.
- We strive to publish content in a timely fashion while working within our editorial calendar schedule. MassCUE reserves the right to edit all submissions. If the OnCue editors makes edits to a post content, we will ask the contributor for approval. If major revisions are needed, MassCUE will return the post to the contributor for editing.
- Interested in submitting a post? Contact us at Include a link to your personal blog and social profiles, if applicable. Also include the following:
- [Proposed Post Title] and link to existing post from your personal or professional blog
- a few sentences describing your proposed post and a high-level outline
- tell us who the target audience for your blog would be (e.g., high school math teachers and/or reform-minded educators)
- an 80-word bio of yourself, with details about your role in education
- three to five links to other pieces you’ve written
- full disclosure of any commercial interest in any products or services mentioned
- your Twitter handle and link to your Facebook page (if you have these)
All submitted contributions will be reviewed by an OnCue editor and approved for content prior to approval and publishing. Priority is given to local topics and registered MassCUE members. You will be notified if your article has been selected and posted.