MARCH News Blast
We are excited to share all the opportunities available to educators in our March News Blast. Our March issue highlights our Virtual Googlepalooza continuing through the month of March; Nicole Hart, our Featured Educator; Trafera and Newsela, our Corporate Partner Spotlights; Tech & Learning Leadership Summit; Committee updates; SIG News, and more.
View our March MassCUE News
MARCH PD News Blast
Spring is fast approaching and we are so excited to share the MassCUE line-up of events and online workshops. As lifelong learners, let’s attend an event, take our minds in a different direction, celebrate spring, and be excited about learning. Check out our list of Online Workshops — so many opportunities. Also, check out the opportunities from our Corporate Partners, DESE Fireside Chat on DLCS Licensure, Book Study, Tech & Learning Leadership Summit, and the MakerSpace/STEM SIG event featuring a hands-on showcase and ending with ice cream. MassCUE is partnering with our Corporate Partners to hold an in-person Showcase at Gillette. Our PD News Blast provides information on all these exciting events and well as links to more information and registration.
View our March (Winter/Spring) PD News Blast
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