The Communications Committee is proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned MassCUE website and blog, OnCUE, now integrated seamlessly at
MassCUE 2.0 is here
As a follow up to the launch of the new MassCUE logo and identity system earlier this year, MassCUE moved to modernize the website to provide better service, clarify MassCUE offerings and optimize the many ways you can engage with us.
MassCUE is a community where every learner creates, contributes, and succeeds in a connected world.
This new website is for you, the MassCUE member.
The website has been streamlined to align with our brand promise to Educate, Connect and Inspire computer-using educators across the commonwealth.
Educate: Providing High-Quality Professional Learning
By simplifying our website structure, we have improved the visibility of our programs and services. This includes our new multi-view MassCUE calendar for events and professional development opportunities that you can take advantage of month-to-month. View our Calendar of Events for more information.
In this effort, this initiative updated, migrated and streamlined over 250 pages of web content, down to less than than 25 critical pages. Now, you can easily find information quickly and intuitively.
The website uses all of the modern conveniences of tabs, accordions and other menu structures to help centralize related information in an easy-to-access way. Check out our Fall Conference 2016 section of the site. It’s all there for you.
Do you know someone who may be interested in becoming a MassCUE member? Use our sharing tools to easily direct your colleagues to Become a Member.
Connect: Creating Opportunities for Professional Networking and Collaboration
OnCUE expanded
Now, OnCUE will host all of MassCUE’s news and information, including Committee news, MassCUE awards and recognition announcements, grant funding notifications, influence and advocacy alerts and much more. OnCUE continues to proudly spotlight our Featured Educators as well as all of our leading-edge topics in EdTech.
Be social
Meet face-to-face or online with a Special Interest Group (SIG). Browse our SIG Directory to see what is available. If there is not a topic of interest covered, learn how you can Become a SIG Leader too.
Also, find all of the ways you can connect with the MassCUE community via social media, like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too.
Inspire: Fostering New Opportunities and Growth in a Connected World
Be informed and stay informed with You’ll find so many interesting and valuable opportunities from grant opportunities to professional development, including Workshops, Learning Tours, and MassCUE4You. In addition, you’ll find Group Buy opportunities and network with the region’s most active computer using educators, by joining a Special Interest Group.
What You Should Know about 2.0
We are proud to announce that the website offers so many conveniences, including:
New look and feel
With the new MassCUE branding launched in 2016, we are seamlessly updating all of our communication channels, which includes, most importantly, our digital channels, online, social and via email. Find live feeds to our homepage and curated landing pages that simplify access to our programs and services.
All in one and OnCUE Online (OnCUE) is now all under one roof, on one site, served by one platform. This has allowed us new efficiencies in spreading the word quickly and expanding the offerings of OnCUE.
Anytime, anywhere access
We know you are on the go, so we made a responsive layout a priority in this website redesign. This means our website will easily adapt to all devices and modern browser standards on the fly.
Calendar-at-a-Glance with online registration
View by day, month in a List View or a visual Calendar View to find Featured Events and by special Event Categories.
A special thank you goes to all the work leading up to this project by MassCUE Rebranding Subcommittee, Rebranding Task Force, the Communications Committee and special Web Task force and the digital marketing firm Viaspire for all of their time and expertise, making this website redesign possible.
Give us your feedback
We want to hear from you. Take this quick survey.
Your feedback is very important to us. Tell us what you think so that we may continue to improve and align this website to your needs. We will be offering a drawing for a free MassCUE membership (or extending your membership if already a MassCUE member) for filling out the survey!
Contact Us
Explore the new website today. We hope you enjoy all of the improvements. If you have any questions or need to find something as you learn the site, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.