By. Cathy Collins
Matt Miller is a teacher, blogger and the author of “Ditch That Textbook,” a book about revolutionizing the classroom with innovative teaching, mindsets and curriculum. He has infused technology and innovative teaching methods in his classes for more than ten years. Matt is also a Google Certified Innovator, PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator and two-time Bammy! Awards nominee. He writes at the Ditch That Textbook blog about using technology and creative ideas in teaching.
Matt and I share many interests, including past careers in the journalism field and present careers in the education field. Both job descriptions require large amounts of dedication, patience, a general orientation in life toward serving others, and heaps of adaptability.
“The world is changing,” Matt emphasized in his CUE Byte talk, and “The work force is changing.” It naturally follows that educators must change as well, to help equip our students with the skills they will need to succeed in a constantly evolving job market. An entrepreneurial mindset will thrive. This means much more, Miller emphasized, than teaching them the basics of how to use tech tools. It means teaching them the skills they will need for jobs that do not yet exist. To Miller, that means “ditching that textbook” to creatively engage students through “connecting students to the world, building relationships, listening to brain research, making it about them, and thinking big.” He recommended focusing on our personal passions, finding that “one thing” and a way to creatively infuse technology within that one focus area. Sound advice! Matt can be reached for more inspiration at or on Twitter at @jmattmiller.
Is your own district doing something innovative? Consider offering a MassCUE Learning Tour! MassCUE Learning Tours are an opportunity for educators to experience innovative, best practices to enhance teaching and learning while using digital learning tools. Districts who are implementing best practices will have the opportunity to showcase their programs and districts that are investigating how to start and implement a similar initiative or practice will have the opportunity to visit the host district.