MassCUE Executive Director announces
Equity Campaign for the New Year
As we enter a new year, we are excited about the future of our organization. A new year brings new opportunities, possibilities, and resolutions. After six months as Executive Director, I have seen the joy our programming and partnerships bring to so many. I have also noticed that not all of these opportunities reach all Massachusetts computer using educators. With our name and mission to guide us, I am excited to announce our 2023 Equity Campaign: MassCUE4ALL! The goal of this campaign is to expand our mission by adding the words “for all” to the end of each value:
- Providing high-quality professional learning FOR ALL
- Leveraging knowledge and expertise FOR ALL
- Recognizing innovation, excellence and courage FOR ALL
- Advocating for strategic policies and programs FOR ALL
We know that equity requires action, and as such have planned a year’s worth of action steps to ensure we are progressing in our campaign. Our January action steps are as follows:
- Incorporate Equity as a theme for our upcoming events
- Plan for our Equity Audit
- Analyze member feedback from our fall survey
We will continue to update our community on our progress as we move forward, and welcome feedback. We will be involving not just our membership, but our board of directors, staff, and corporate partners in this process as we move toward a more equitable future.
As we ring in yet another rotation around the sun, we reflect on the gratitude we have for our community. Thank you for your support and push back as we continue to grow.
Wishing you a restorative break, and a happy new year!
Savvy Demers
Executive Director