MassCUE Spring Elections 2018
This spring we will elect the four (4) at-large members to the MassCUE Board. Any MassCUE member who meets the requirements and is interested in serving on the Board is encouraged to nominate themself or another eligible interested member.
The term is for 2 1/2 years. The newly-elected members of the board serve side-by-side with current board members from the time they are elected until the official beginning of their terms at the conference in the fall of 2018. MassCUE Board members determine the type and direction of MassCUE’s activities throughout the year and provide the leadership behind the many great events and resources available to members. Board member responsibilities include: Attendance at least 75% of board meetings held monthly. Chair or serve on at least one (1) MassCUE committee. We are a very active and engaged board and are seeking candidates that want to work hard and support MassCUE’s vision and strategic plan which can be found at
Nomination Papers
Submission of nomination papers must be made via email and received by March 10, 2018. They should be emailed to Once received you will receive confirmation within 7 days of receipt.
Nominations and background statements should be directed to the Election Committee. Please include the following in your submission:
- Name of nominee
- Address
- Phone number
- Name of nominating member (if applicable)
- Letter of intent
- Background statement (NO MORE THAN 150 WORDS) outlining qualifications, philosophy, and/or goals.
- Resume
- Small picture of nominee for website
- Eligibilty Confirmation
I am a member and have been a member for at least one year.
I am 18 years or older.
I have actively contributed to MassCUE for at least one year.
My online presence represents the highest standards of conduct, integrity, and accountability.
I have read the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it.
I have read the Board Member Responsibilities Policy and agree to abide by it.