The MassCUE Datapalooza is a new event that focuses on educators and educational leaders sharing best practices for using data to its full potential in the classroom, school, or district. The event will start with a morning keynote followed by a series of presentations (55 minutes long) throughout the day.
We are seeking proposals that demonstrate how your district or school has effectively used data to improve teaching and learning. Topics that would be of interest to schools/districts include (but are not limited to):
· Setting up and maintaining a data warehouse
· Mining data effectively
· Using data to narrow the achievement gap
· Sharing effective ways to deal with data phobia
· Considering data from a variety of sources
· Using data to communicate with colleagues across grade levels and district
· Collecting, analyzing and presenting/sharing data both informally and formally
· Sharing how leadership teams promote and guide the use of data within their districts
Deadline to apply: November 30, 2017