A little more about these online workshops:
All instruction and activites for these new four-session workshops are done entirely online. Each session is a week long, The first session is an orientation and then the next three are content sessions. Participants have one week between sessions to do the assignments (usually 3-4 hours of work) whenever is convenient, even Saturday morning in your pjs 🙂
See short descriptions below.
Detailed information and registration
Registration deadline for Jan. workshops is 12/23/13.
Online Workshop: Implementing the ELA-Literacy Standards: Focus on Writing, Research & Presentation
Date: 4 sessions- 1/2/14 to 2/25/14- 4 sessions for $250!
Literacy Common Core State Standards (CCSS) online course focus on content, pedagogy and assessment, providing teachers with the flexible, engaging opportunities they need to learn to implement the CCSS in their classrooms. (Online course developed by EDC, Inc.)
Instructor: Sue Collins
Online Workshop: Exploring the Common Core Math Practices
Date: 4 sessions- 1/2/14 to 2/25/14-4 sessions for $250!
This Mathematics Common Core State Standards (CCSS) online course is project and classroom based and challenge participants to understand how teaching, learning and assessment shift when aligned to the CCSS. (Online course developed by EDC, Inc.)
Instructor: Gary Simon
Online Workshop: The Flipped Classroom: Getting Started through Edmodo Instructor:
Date: 4 sessions- 1/8/14 to 2/5/14-4 sessions for only $150!
This course focuses on using an online platform (Edmodo) to deliver the basics of how to build a flipped classroom unit. Participants will learn how to navigate Edmodo for the course content and learn how it can be used as an instructional tool.
Instructor: Anne Ford
Online Workshop: Secrets of a Superteacher Series: Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Use in the Classroom
Date: 4 sessions- 1/8/14 to 2/5/14-4 sessions for only $150!
Get up to speed on what’s new in the world of social media and learn how it can be an effective way to reach your students and a powerful tool in your classroom. Gain an understanding of ways to use social media to connect with your students, their parents, and fellow teachers.
Instructor: Rochelle Cooper
Online Workshop: Secrets of a Superteacher Series: Using EduBlogging to Enhance Your Classroom Super Powers
Date: 4 sessions- 2/26/14 to 3/27/14-4 sessions for only $150!
Learn how to create and maintain your own stellar blog(s) to use as a classroom management and communication tool, newsletter, student journal and forum for class discussions. Also, see how to use your blog to pinpoint and enforce the concepts within the Common Core Standards. Get your students blogging right along with you and learn how to utilize their blogs as digital portfolios as an archive of learning development.
Instructor: Rochelle Cooper
Online Workshop: – Secrets of a Superteacher Series: 3 Simple Steps to Creating a “Super-webpage” Using Googlesites
Date: 4 sessions- 4/23/14 to 5/20/14-4 sessions for only $150!
Earn superhero status with students, parents, and administrators by creating a stellar classroom webpage. Receive guidance and assistance every step of the way as you learn to develop and manage a professional and polished webpage in 3 simple steps using Googlesites. Use your webpage as the hub of classroom communication—learn how to share important information, homework, projects, and links with your students and the world beyond. By the end of the course, participants will have created their own webpage and will have acquired the site-savvy to maintain it using minimal time.
Instructor: Rochelle Cooper