The challenges of this school year are incomparable to any we’ve ever seen, but with everything educators have faced there has also been an opportunity to grow. Jaime Steinbach of Mansfield Public schools is a music educator who met the challenges of remote learning head on to support both her students and her school.
Thrust into the world of digital and remote teaching, Jaime’s fortitude came shining through with a spirit that inspired others in her school community. As a music teacher, choir director, and musical director she took it upon herself to attend as many Google Meets (even classes she was not a part of) to connect with students. Steinbach even created safety posters for her school, and is secretly the Jordan/Jackson’s mascot known as the Happy Hornet. She also made movie trailers for teachers to show in our classrooms.
Seeking to make learning more engaging, she created numerous dynamic learning experiences to support students in the fall with the music program. Jaime designed a Bitmoji classroom using Google Slides, titled Miss Steinbach’s House of Music. Students in each grade level she teaches are able to view the week’s lessons and click on links to various multimedia to learn through exploration. Steinbach also used Google Slides to create a music hub to keep the lines of communication between home and school open.
It is this kind of enthusiasm to embrace challenges and turn them into growing experiences that MassCUE has selected Jaime Steinbach as our Featured Educator for February, 2021. Congratulations on a job well done!
Jaime Steinbach teaches music at the Jordan/Jackson Elementary School in Mansfield.