Introducing MassCUE Learning Tours - MassCUE

Introducing MassCUE Learning Tours

By Shelley Chamberlain

Learning Tours: A new exciting match program by MassCUE

Is your school or district thinking about implementing a new initiative and teachers from the district would like to see first-hand how another district has done it? Is your school or district willing to host a tour showcasing a successful initiative already implemented? Then the new Learning Tours (LT) Program organized by MassCUE is for you!

The concept behind Learning Tours is to set up a sharing mechanism for best practices related to technology use. MassCUE is encouraging districts to host and show first-hand a successful project to other districts that are considering doing something similar. Learning Tour visits are complimentary for MassCUE members! MassCUE is kicking off the LT Program in March 2016 with two exciting programs: Coding and Robotics in the Elementary Classroom (3.23.16) Starting a Student Tech Team (4.27.16) For more information go to the Learning Tour website page.

About the Author : Shelley Chamberlain is the Executive Director of MassCUE

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