Fall Conference 2016 Exhibitors
As of August 29, 2016
Company | Sponsor Level | Booth Location |
Acer America | Exhibitor | 312 |
Addition Networks | Exhibitor | 444 |
AKUITY Technologies | Exhibitor | 441 |
Assessment Technology Incorporated | Exhibitor | 222 |
Atomic Learning | Exhibitor | 339 |
Blackboard | Exhibitor | 231 |
BrainPOP | Exhibitor | 445 |
Bump Armor | Exhibitor | 212 |
BYU Independent Study | Exhibitor | 309 |
CCS Presentation Systems | Exhibitor | 326-328 |
CDI Computers | Exhibitor | 400 |
CDW-G | Exhibitor | 331-332 |
ClassLink | Exhibitor | 234 |
Clear Touch Interactive | Exhibitor | 417 |
Computer Resources LLC | Exhibitor | 314 |
Connecticut Business Systems | Exhibitor | 440 |
Cumulus Global | Exhibitor | 219 |
Curriculum Associates | Exhibitor | 235 |
Custom Computer Specialists | Exhibitor | 404 |
Data Recycling NE, Inc. | Exhibitor | 433 |
DGI Communications | Exhibitor | 403A |
Discover Video | Exhibitor | 338 |
Discovery Education | Exhibitor | 237 |
Druide Informatique | Exhibitor | 204 |
Edgenuity | Exhibitor | 311 |
Enriching Students | Exhibitor | 206 |
Epson America | Exhibitor | 114-115 |
esped.com, Inc. | Exhibitor | 413 |
ETR (Educational Technology Resources, Inc.) | Exhibitor | 236 |
ExploreLearning | Exhibitor | 432 |
FireFly Computers | Exhibitor | 507 |
FileWave Endpoint Management | Exhibitor | 418-419 |
Follett | Exhibitor | 114-115 |
Epson America | Exhibitor | 336 |
Framingham State University | Exhibitor | 335 |
FrontRow | Exhibitor | 203 |
Gaggle | Exhibitor | 226 |
GumDrop Cases | Exhibitor | 230 |
Harbor Networks | Exhibitor | 224 |
Harris School Solutions | Exhibitor | 223 |
HUB Tech | Exhibitor | HUB Zone Club Level |
Illuminate Education | Exhibitor | 307 |
Imagine Learning | Exhibitor | 407 |
Infinite Campus | Exhibitor | 403 |
Insight Systems Exchange | Exhibitor | 221 |
Integrated Classroom Technology, Inc. | Exhibitor | 300-301 |
IO Education | Exhibitor | 325 |
PEVO Inc. | Exhibitor | 202 |
itslearning | Exhibitor | 304 |
K&M Communications | Exhibitor | 405 |
Kajeet, Inc. | Exhibitor | 111 |
Keyboarding Without Tears | Exhibitor | 215 |
Kurzweil Education | Exhibitor | 213 |
LapCabby | Exhibitor | 303 |
Learning Ally | Exhibitor | Nonprofit Table 4 |
Learning A-Z | Exhibitor | 337 |
LearnLaunch | Exhibitor | LearnLaunch Innovative Space |
Lexia Learning | Exhibitor | 310 |
Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. | Exhibitor | 216 |
Mac to School | Exhibitor | 431 |
Mackin Educational Resources | Exhibitor | 512 |
Mass Literacy | Exhibitor | NonProfit Table 6 |
MAX Cases | Exhibitor | 302 |
McGraw Hill Education | Exhibitor | 220 |
MHEC | Exhibitor | NonProfit Table 1 |
MIDAS Education | Exhibitor | 323 |
myON | Exhibitor | 406 |
Ockers Company | Exhibitor | 414-416 |
Otus | Exhibitor | 334 |
PASCO Scientific | Exhibitor | 107 |
PowerSchool | Exhibitor | 233 |
Pro AV Systems | Exhibitor | 319-321 |
Read Naturally | Exhibitor | 308 |
Rediker Software, Inc. | Exhibitor | 340 |
Renaissance Learning | Exhibitor | 210-211 |
Rethink | Exhibitor | 333 |
RnB Enterprises, Inc. | Exhibitor | 208 |
Robotel Inc. | Exhibitor | 505 |
Rolta AdvizeX | Exhibitor | 214 |
SAFARI Montage | Exhibitor | 205 |
Samsung Electronics | Exhibitor | 232 |
Scholastic.com | Exhibitor | 238 |
SchoolBrains | Exhibitor | 438 |
SchoolMessenger | Exhibitor | 209 |
Schoology | Exhibitor | 225 |
Spectrum Industries, Inc. | Exhibitor | 330 |
SRC Solutions, Inc. | Exhibitor | 313 |
SunGard K-12 | Exhibitor | 322 |
TECedge LLC | Exhibitor | 504 |
The Learning Curve Consortium | Exhibitor | NonProfit Table 2 |
TECedge LLC | Exhibitor | 504 |
Troxell Communications, Inc. | Exhibitor | 110 |
Turnitin | Exhibitor | 324 |
Unified Networking Solutions, Inc. | Exhibitor | 442-443 |
Valley Communications Systems, Inc. | Exhibitor | 305, 306, 315, 316, 317, 318 |
Vertical Communications | Exhibitor | 329 |
Virtual Towns & Schools | Exhibitor | 402 |
VMware | Exhibitor | 207 |
WGBH | Exhibitor | NonProfit Table 3 |
Whalley Computer Associates | Exhibitor | 409-412 |
Wyss Institute | Exhibitor | NonProfit Table 5 |
zSpace | Exhibitor | 408 |