MassCUE and M.A.S.S. will be bringing over 250 workshops, social events and keynotes live and on-demand directly to you this February 9-12, 2021, with bonus morning of eSports on Saturday, Feb. 13th!
Early Bird: $99.00
After January 31, 2021 – $125.00
Block/Group Rates for Districts/Organizations registering 25 or more participants: $45 per registration!
Go to our Virtual Conference 2021 website for full details!
Live sessions ended 2/13/21, but all sessions will be available on-demand until 7/31/21. Educators are still welcome to register to see the on-demand sessions until 2/18/21.
Interested in being an exhibitor? Click HERE for more information!

MassCUE and M.A.S.S. will be bringing over 250 workshops, social events and keynotes live and on-demand directly to you this February 9-12, 2021, with bonus morning of eSports on Saturday, Feb. 13th! Pricing Early Bird: $99.00 After January 31, 2021 – $125.00 Block/Group Rates for Districts/Organizations registering 25 or more participants: $45 per registration! Go to our Virtual Conference 2021 website for full […]
Virtual Conference