Making Tech Stick: Tips for Sustainable and Impactful K-12 Tech Initiatives
September 29, 2022, 3:00pm-3:45pm ET
Along with 8-year veteran tech director, Scott Jonard (Sacramento, CA), we will explore the topics of creating sustainable and highly impactful technology initiatives. Learn the key steps needed for any successful technology integration from the classroom to district-wide initiatives.
Starbucks gift cards will be provided to all participating attendees*. (*Must register with a valid school work email (US only) and complete the exit survey at the end of the session to qualify)

Making Tech Stick: Tips for Sustainable and Impactful K-12 Tech Initiatives September 29, 2022, 3:00pm-3:45pm ET Along with 8-year veteran tech director, Scott Jonard (Sacramento, CA), we will explore the topics of creating sustainable and highly impactful technology initiatives. Learn the key steps needed for any successful technology integration from the classroom to district-wide initiatives. […]