Top Tech Tools for SEI (in collaboration with EDCO) – Online

This online workshop contains content needed to fulfill the DESE Individual Professional Development plan requirement of at least 15 PDPs in the area of training related to SEI or English as a Second Language (for renewal of licensure).

Tech Tools researched in this course will be both Google and non-Google resources – all with the goal of creating an effective and fun learning platform for English Language Learners. Each session will include a short reading, and an exploration of two or more Tech Tools that will help you accommodate the needs of ELL and ESL students in your classroom. Also, as part of each session, participants will be asked to contribute to a collaborative discussion with colleagues. They will also be required to apply their learning for the week via a product that will be shared amongst the group.


Course Details

Audience Regular and Special Education Teachers, Technology Specialists, Administrators 
Level K-12-Beginner/Intermediate with Basic Knowledge of Google Tools
Instructor Rochelle Cooper
Dates 4 online sessions starting 8/19/19 and ending 9/19/19 
Earn 15 PDPs
Location Online
MassCUE Member Cost $150
Non-Member Cost $190
Limit 20 Participants
Graduate Credit (Optional) At the first class, participants may choose to register for 1 graduate credit through Worcester State University for an additional fee of $125. All participants, including those who do not opt for graduate credit, will receive a certificate documenting the number of course hours attended. 

Rochelle Cooper

Rochelle Cooper has been a certified educator for the past 15 years.  She began her teaching career as a special education 1:1 aide and spent the next 10 years as a 5th grade classroom teacher at Lynnfield Middle School.   Rochelle received her undergraduate degree in English from Holy Cross College and her Master’s Degree in Teaching from Simmons College. She is currently enjoying her position as the Learning Services Assistant for MassCUE – coordinating PD opportunities for educators.  



Online Session 1:  Read and Write for SEI 

Learn how to apply the amazing language supports provided by Read and Write – an extension of Google Chrome – that will assist students with reading, writing, studying and research.  Some of these supports include:

• Text-to-speech to hear words, passages, or whole documents read aloud with dual color highlighting

• Text and picture dictionaries to see the meaning of words explained

• With speech-to-text, dictate words to assist with writing, proofreading & studying

• Collect highlights from text in documents or the web for summarizing and research

• Create and listen to voice notes directly inside of Google Docs  

Online Session 2:  Google Tools for SEI 

Support ELLs without leaving a single Google Doc! Explore multifaceted Google tools such as Google Translate, Google Dictionary, and the Explore Tool as a platform for communication and collaboration – all while making Google Docs and Slides more user-friendly to your students.  

Online Session 3:  Presentation Tools for SEI 

Research presentation tools such as Storybird, Padlet and Google Slides that will allow your ELL students unique and engaging opportunities to share their learning with you and their classmates. 

Online Session 4:  Vocabulary Tech Tools for SEI 

Research and explore online vocabulary tools such as FlashCards and Picto4Me to help ELL students develop their vocabulary skills.  

Project Description: 

Participants will create a tutorial screencast at the culmination of the course which showcases a digital tool that could be used by educators in the area of SEI. 

MA DESE: Professional level license must continue to participate in professional development that provides at least 15 PDPs in SEI or English as a Second Language (ESL)

Sign Up for This Workshop

Top Tech Tools for SEI (in collaboration with EDCO) August 19, 2019 – September 19, 2019 Four online weekly sessions

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2019-08-19 16:00 2019-08-19 20:30 America/New_York Top Tech Tools for SEI (in collaboration with EDCO) – Online Online August 19, 2019 - September 19, 2019 Add to Calendar