Learning Tour Overview
The mission of TIES is to offer an opportunity for students and teachers to showcase projects they have completed in class and incorporate various technologies. Projects that provide students with the opportunity to think creatively, investigate subjects in depth, expand technology skills and hone presentation techniques. The Technology in Education Showcase will offer K – 12 students an opportunity to showcase technology-based projects created as part of their instructional curriculum in their schools. These projects provide students with the opportunity to think creatively, investigate a subject in depth, expand technology skills and hone presentation techniques.
At the event, students and teachers will demonstrate technology in use, speak about what they have learned, ask attendees to get involved by solving a problem, completing a task, building a device or interacting with the technology.
Longmeadow High School
Sandy Hill-Budreau
About |
Longmeadow Public Schools is responsive to the high educational expectations of its citizens and the individual learning needs of its pupils through solid basic offerings and well-staffed and well-organized counseling and pupil personnel services. The system’s excellent schools are a major reason people move into Longmeadow. District scores on state tests have each year been among the highest in the state. In 2018-2019, The Longmeadow Public Schools serves 2930 students in grades PreK-12. The system is composed of six schools; one (9-12) high school, two (6-8) middle schools, two (K-5) elementary schools, and one (Pre Kindergarten-5) elementary school .
Date and Time | March 7, 2019 (snow date April 4, 2019) 6:00pm to 8:00pm |
Location |
Longmeadow High School95 Grassy Gutter Road
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Level | All |
Audience | Elementary School educators or leaders, Middle School educators or leaders, High School educators or leaders, Instructional Technology Specialists, Technology Directors, Library Media Specialists, District Administrators, Students |
MassCUE Member Cost | No charge |
Limit | 20 |

Learning Tour Overview The mission of TIES is to offer an opportunity for students and teachers to showcase projects they have completed in class and incorporate various technologies. Projects that provide students with the opportunity to think creatively, investigate subjects in depth, expand technology skills and hone presentation techniques. The Technology in Education Showcase will offer […]
95 Grassy Gutter Road services@viaspire.com