TEACHER WELL BEING (5-part PD series)
Available on-demand throughout December 2022 and January 2023
Developed by Mandy Froehlich
Educator Mental Health and Why We Emotionally Disengage
As educators, it can be easy to become emotionally disengaged when working in a position that requires continuous empathy and passion. Let’s discuss educator mental health and how you can continue to be happy without being disengaged.
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Healing Through Self-Compassion and Micro-Resilience Strategies
After a long day of work, self-care is one of the most important things that an educator can practice. In this session, Mandy will guide you through practical strategies and tips for educator self-care, so that you can be the best version of yourself, at home or at work.
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Burnout and Demoralization: What They are and How to Heal
Most people have heard the term burnout, but not as many are familiar with the concept of demoralization. Learn the difference between the two concepts, why it’s important to name what’s happening, and strategies for healing.
View Course (available for free with a free basic OTIS for Educators account)
Awakening Our Curiosity
Igniting curiosity in our students is one of our main responsibilities as educators. But how do we continue to cultivate our spirit of inquiry in our role not only for the benefit of our students but also to feed our own curious human?
View Course (available for free with a free basic OTIS for Educators account)
The Relationship Between Innovative Thinking and Educator Mental Health
Two concepts in education, innovation, and mental health, are more connected than you may think! Join this session to discover how the two work together, plus strategies that can provide healthy support for a greater chance to support innovation in the school.
View Course (available for free with a free basic OTIS for Educators account)

TEACHER WELL BEING (5-part PD series) Available on-demand throughout December 2022 and January 2023 Developed by Mandy Froehlich Educator Mental Health and Why We Emotionally Disengage As educators, it can be easy to become emotionally disengaged when working in a position that requires continuous empathy and passion. Let’s discuss educator mental health and how […]
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