Inspiring Equitable and Empowering Assessment
Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 3:00 P.M.
Leading change in assessment and grading practices is not for the faint of heart. In fact, advocating for change can leave someone feeling isolated and demoralized amidst the status quo. In this session presented by Natalie Vardabasso, learn how to become an inspiring mentor that starts a movement towards equitable and empowering assessment practices. We’ll discuss how to co-create a vision, invite others to think differently, leverage portfolios to amplify feedback, and launch an authentic defense of learning.
Natalie has worked as a teacher, instructional coach, assessment lead, and is now working full-time as an educational consultant, speaker, and entrepreneur. She works with schools and districts across North America to modernize their assessment and grading practices as an associate of the Solution Tree Assessment Center and is the producer and host of the #EduCrush podcast. She is also the founder of The Empowerment Ecosystem, an online program to empower educational leaders to find their voice and ignite a movement towards equitable assessment practices.
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Inspiring Equitable and Empowering Assessment Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 3:00 P.M. Leading change in assessment and grading practices is not for the faint of heart. In fact, advocating for change can leave someone feeling isolated and demoralized amidst the status quo. In this session presented by Natalie Vardabasso, learn how to become an inspiring mentor […]