Get into the Blend!
MassCUE’s Googlepalooza event is a full day of G Suite for Education hands-on workshops taught by experienced Google Certified Trainers and Educators to promote better learning in the classroom. In the spirit of supporting education in these challenging times, this year’s event will be held virtually with focused sessions in support of teachers and administrators in Blended and Online Learning environments.
We will be kicking off the day with opening remarks from Eric Curts, blogger and Certified Google for Education Trainer. Participants will have a choice between presentations at varied ability levels on the following tracks:
- Creating with GSuite (ie newsletters, posters, Keep, Drawings, Sites, etc.)
- Analyzing with GSuite (ie data & analytics, forms, sheets)
- Blending with GSuite (ie pedagogy w GSuite in support of hybrid classrooms)
Click here to view sessions.
All of this learning for just $55!
MassCUE is offering Eric’s new book, Control Alt Achieve: Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects, at a 25% discount to this year’s attendees! The book will be sent directly to your home! To order please call Nathan Robbins at Barnes & Noble at 603-404-4373 with your credit card and address information during business hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm eastern.
This event will be limited to 140 participants.
This event will be held online. Confirmed attendees will be provided with the virtual meeting information within one week of the conference.
Eric Curts
Eric has been in education for 27 years, and currently serves as a Technology Integration Specialist for SPARCC in Canton, Ohio where he oversees Google Apps for Education implementation, training, and support, as well as other technology integration initiatives. Eric is an authorized Google Education Trainer and Innovator, and provides Google Apps training to schools, organizations, and conferences throughout Ohio and across the country. He is a co-leader of the Ohio Google Educator Group at and runs the award-winning blog where all of his Google Apps and edtech resources can be found.
Joli Boucher
Joli is a dynamic educator with over 17 years of experience. Her passion is empowering and engaging both educators and students with technology while promoting collaboration and creativity. As a former elementary classroom teacher, Jolianne has expertise in best practices across the curriculum. Joli is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, a Tech4Learning Innovative Educator, Seesaw Ambassador, and a BrainPOP Certified Teacher. Over the last year, Joli has presented professional development opportunities to educators and administrators across Massachusetts and New Hampshire. This Summer, Joli will be presenting sessions in Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut at Summit featuring the G Suite for Education. Joli curates her classroom tips and resources at and you can follow her on Twitter
Laura Cahill
Laura is a district technology coach and former visual art educator in the Worcester Public Schools as well as a lecturer at Assumption College. She is a Google Certified Trainer and ISTE Certified Educator, who is an advocate for equitable access to technology for all students. Laura is also the proud mom of two college students and enjoys blogging and reading about educational technology topics. You can find her at or on Twitter at@engageducate
Erin Foley
Erin is the Digital Literacy Specialist at Hanover Middle School in Hanover, MA, and is a Google for Education Certified Trainer. She has 12 years of experience as a classroom teacher with 9 of those years specifically in the field of instructional technology. Erin is a member of the Hanover Public Schools Technology Committee and believes that technology is a powerful tool in transforming the learning environment to meet the academic needs and interests of students. Erin has presented at conferences including the MassCUE 2018 Fall Conference and the MassCUE Datapalooza 2019. She was also named as a PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator in 2016.
Rayna Freedman
Rayna is a 5th grade teacher at the Jordan/Jackson Elementary School in Mansfield, MA. She has taught grades 3-5 and is an ITS. She is working on her doctorate through Northeastern as she hopes to change the field of education some day. Rayna is President of MassCUE and has been presenting at the annual conference since 2010. She is a Google Level 2 certified educator, a BrainPOP certified educator, Flipgrid Ambassador, Fablevision Ambassador and Wakelet Ambassador. Rayna has presented for ISTE, Ed Tech Teacher, Tech and Learning, Medfield Digital Learning Day, FETC, BPLC, and BLC.
Jessica Garbowski
Jessica has been an educator for 12 years at the middle school level in everything ranging from 6th grade to ELA to Coding. She lives in Foxborough with her husband and son. Currently, she teaches Digital Literacy classes and also works as the Instructional Technology Specialist for the Easton Middle School. Jessica has taught graduate level courses, has presented at many conferences, and is a Google for Education Certified Trainer.
Jennifer Judkins
Jennifer is the Director of Digital Learning for the Woburn Public Schools district. Jenn is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, 2016 MassCUE Pathfinder recipient & was awarded the 2015 PBS Lead Digital Innovator. She provides professional development in her home district and schools throughout MA. Jenn curates useful technology resources, tip sheets and integration ideas for educators on her blog, and is a regular contributer on the TechEducator Podcast. Find Jenn on Twitter @jennjudkins.
Audra Kaplan
Google for Education Certified Trainer, Makey Makey Certified Trainer, Digital Learning Coach and Computer Science teacher for the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District, and Co-President of CS Teachers Greater Boston chapter. Online graduate instructor for Ed Technology Specialists and Andrews University with a master’s degree from Lesley University in Educational Technology, as well as a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Southern Connecticut State University. Conference presenter across New England and in New York. Prior to completing her degree and becoming a technology integrator, Audra spent over 17 years in the classroom teaching ELL, ELA, Social Development, Science, Math, and Computer Technology classes. At Groton-Dunstable Ms. Kaplan works to integrate technology into student and staff learning across the district and teaching Digital Literacy and Computer Science at the middle school. Ms. Kaplan was recognized as one of 100 teachers nationally by NCWIT and the NSF because of her efforts to support Computer Science in Education. During the 100 Teachers Meeting in Washington DC in December of 2014, honorees were invited to the White House. When away from school Ms. Kaplan enjoys spending time with her family, co leading a Girl Scout troop, learning new things, and exploring the world. Follow her on twitter @AudraKaplan.
Susan Kiley
Susan is a certified Curriculum & Instructional Technology Specialist and Google for Education Certified Trainer. Her experience includes professional development, integrated lesson planning and fostering professional learning communities to bring a collaborative approach to innovation in schools. Susan was named the 2017 Teacher of the Year by the United Regional Chamber of Commerce for her role as mentor to her fellow teachers, as well as for her innovative uses of technology in the classroom. Susan served as a facilitator for the MassCUE’s Leadership in Blended & Digital Learning program through The Friday Institute at North Carolina State University, and is an online instructor for MassCUE. Follow her on Twitter @msskiley
Carol LaRow
Carol is an award-winning educator who is an “authorized Google Education Trainer,” “Google Innovator,” “Smithsonian Laureate,” “Apple Distinguished Educator,” “WNYT Educator of Excellence,” and was nominated for the “Disney American Teacher Award.” She is a recognized speaker at national, statewide, and regional conferences, and is often a “featured speaker.” She presents for Google in the “Google Teaching Booth” at national conferences such as ISTE, and for Apple Computer in the Apple Exhibit Area. She has written lessons and curriculum that incorporate Google tools, which are published in Google Apps For Educators, on Google’s national site. She has taught for Apple Computer at the Apple Teacher Institutes, and is one of the authors of Apple Computer’s 21st Century Learning Collection.
Neal Sonnenberg
Neal is a technology integration specialist (9-12) for the Medfield Public Schools and a Google Certified Trainer. Previously, he taught High School Math and also worked as a Curriculum Coordinator developing online Math and Business courses He is one of the creators of Medfield’s Design Your Learning Day (DLD) conference and also serves on the MassCUE Conference Committee. He has presented at numerous conferences, is one of the co-leaders of the TEC Tech Integrators Job Alike group and loves everything Google Sheets related. Follow him on twitter @nealman17
Laura Tilton
Laura has worked for 20+ years supporting school districts as they use technology and data to improve teaching and learning. She served as Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Technology for the Carver Public Schools (2007-2010), Regional Data Specialist for the MA-DESE Southeast DSAC (2010-2014), and the Director of District Data and Accountability for Marshfield Public Schools (2014-2020).
Cost | $55.00 |
Trainers |
Date and Time | August 13, 2020 8:30 am – 1:00 pm |
Location | Online |
Audience | Teachers, Administrators, Administrative Assistants |
Participant check in: 8:30 am – 8:45 am
Welcome Address: 8:45 am – 8:55 am
Session I: 9:00 am – 9:50 am
Session II: 10:00 am – 10:50 am
Session III: 11:00 am – 11:50 am
Session IV: 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm
Vendor Opportunity
We are looking for three more sponsors for this one-day event at $500 each. Sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis.Sponsorship includes:
- Acknowledgement in Opening Welcome
- One session to present
- Logo on event website
Expected Demographics
We expect 140 educators (Administrators, Integration Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Content Coordinators, etc.) for this event.
Please contact Shelley Chamberlain, Executive Director of MassCUE, for more information.

Get into the Blend! MassCUE’s Googlepalooza event is a full day of G Suite for Education hands-on workshops taught by experienced Google Certified Trainers and Educators to promote better learning in the classroom. In the spirit of supporting education in these challenging times, this year’s event will be held virtually with focused sessions in support […]