Friday, March 15, 2019
Lead with Courage
Thanks for attending our Spring Conference. Please complete our online evaluation to receive your PDP certificate.
MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators) and MASCD (the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD) have joined forces to bring together classroom and educational leaders for a one-day event of powerful presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, and informal gatherings to address the critical issues of education. Both organizations believe in the importance of excellent leadership skills for teachers and administrators.
Whether you are leading change in a classroom or to a greater scale in a complex district, all change is vital, intense work in making sure we keep reaching for educational success. During this conference we will share our successes and failures as leaders.
College of the Holy Cross 1 College Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01610
Social Media Ambassadors
Congratulations to Brandon Hall and Lena Marie Rockwood, Social Media Ambassadors for the MassCUE Spring Leadership Conference 2019! They will be joining MassCUE’s John O’Sullivan in posting up to the minute happenings at this year’s Conference.
Follow John, Brandon and Lena Marie for the latest updates on this fantastic event!
John O’Sullivan
John O’Sullivan is a Librarian, an Assistive Technology Specialist and an author of several books on educational technology. His books include UDL Technology, TheTeacher’s Awesome App Guide, and Teaching Projects with Computers. He currently holds four certifications in education and has taught under each certification. He works for Chelmsford Public Schools at Chelmsford High School. He has worked in the past as a Special Education Teacher and Technology Integration Specialist. His twitter account is @The_app_guide. He catalogs educational and assistive technology on his website
Brandon Hall
Brandon Hall is the District Technology Integrator for the Pembroke Public Schools. Prior to his current role, he was a high school social studies teacher for 15 years in Pembroke. Brandon has a BA in History and Education from Stonehill College, a Med from UMass Boston, and a post-graduate certificate from The George Washington University in Educational Technology. He provides on-going professional development and support for teachers in Pembroke as well as at various conferences such as MassCUE. Brandon is a member of the Southeast, Cape and Islands Technology Administrators group, a Google Certified Trainer, and an Apple Certified Teacher. Follow him on Twitter @HallsHomework.
Lena Marie Rockwood
Dr. Lena Marie Rockwood, Ed.D. is currently in her twentieth year as an educator in Revere Public Schools in Revere, MA. She taught eighth grade science at Garfield Middle School and has been an assistant principal for the last twelve years which includes seven years at the elementary level, three years at the middle level, and is currently in her second year at the high school level as Assistant Principal of the Class of 2021. In this time, she has followed some of her students from Pre-K through high school! She is a founding member of the #Read4Fun Chat and has found rich connections in the educational field as a result of her engagement on social media. You can find her at @Dr_LMR on Twitter
The Human Side of Changing Education
Julie Wilson, Founder & Executive Director, Institute for the Future of Learning
When we ask schools to change, we are asking human beings to change. This requires special tools and a human-centered approach. In this interactive keynote, we will explore why change resistance is to be expected and how to get through it using practical tools, questions for reflection, and the experience of others leading change in schools. The ‘messy middle’ of change is the liminal transformative space where change happens. When we understand this space, we understand its necessity and its power to transform – and what we, the change agents, can do to harness it.

Julie Wilson
Teacher Leadership as a Catalyst for Change
Team from Revere Public Schools, Revere, MA
Dr. Danielle Mokaba-Bernardo began her teaching career over 20 years ago in the Revere Public Schools. She has 15 years of experience as an administrator and has held various leadership positions including assistant principal of Revere High School and principal of Garfield Middle School. Danielle currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. In this role, she co-chairs the Revere Educators Leadership Board and serves as a member of the district’s Grading Practices Committee.
Dr. Lourenço Garcia has more than 23 years of combined teaching and administration experience. He received his Doctorate in Leadership in Urban Schools and Special Education and Disability Policy from UMass Boston and has worked as Principal of Revere High School for eight years. Among other key organizational changes, Dr. Garcia helped build a culture of teacher leadership capacity in school, promote student-centered learning and family and community involvement, and increase learning opportunities for students. He strongly believes in the constructionist learning approach and uses it to illuminate his reasoning and actions. Currently, Dr. Garcia is the Executive Director of Data and Accountability for Revere Public Schools. In his new role, he works with principals, directors, and school-based teams using different approaches to data, including accountability, early warning indicator system, and other learning metrics to increase student achievement.
Lisa Goldney is a fifth grade math teacher at the Hill Elementary School in Revere. A full time classroom teacher, Lisa has collaborated with educators and administrators in district in the development and implementation of the Educator Growth System, acting as both an Evaluation Teacher Leader and as chair of the Educator Growth Committee. Most recently Lisa was a member of the Revere Educators Leadership Board, a group of educators and administrators who collaborate to make district-wide decisions and solve problems where she worked closely in the development of the Colleague to Colleague Peer Assistance program.
Hatice Nigdelioglu has worked as a teacher for more than eight years and is currently a ninth and tenth-grade mathematics teacher for English language learners at Revere High School, where she previously taught special education. She believes that teachers with any level of experience can meaningfully contribute to the school community and believes in the importance of allowing students’ interests to guide their learning. Hatice participates in several professional learning groups, serves as a faculty advisor for the Muslim Students Association and is a member of the Revere High School’s Competency-Based Learning Planning Team, a branch of Revere High School Redesign and Innovation Team. She also participated in Revere High School’s Cultural Competency Committee and helped create a Cultural Perspectives Curriculum. In 2017, Hatice was recognized by Education First as an example of an inspiring teacher leader.
Rick Norris is an Instructional Mathematics Coach at the Garfield Middle School in Revere after teaching mathematics for fifteen years. He previously collaborated with administration to procure a grant through the Center for Collaborative Education to redesign school culture and structure through a Personalized Learning Initiative. Currently, Rick is a member of the Grading Practices Committee in which teacher-leaders and district administrators are developing a Standards Based Grading System for the elementary grades and a Habits of Work Grading System for middle and secondary grades.
Will Schwartz is an inclusion math teacher at Revere High School in Revere, MA. He is currently the co-chair for the School Redesign and Innovation team. Along with colleague Marcie Day, he is the recipient of an Education First Teacher Leadership grant to implement and study peer observation as a strategy to improve instructional practice. He is a former TeachPlus Policy Fellow and is currently working with TeachPlus on a research project that leverages teacher expertise to evaluate and improve professional learning.
Congratulations to this year’s recipient of the 2019 MassCUE/MASCD Spring Leadership Conference Administrator Scholarship!

Bryan W. Riley-Principal C. J. Prescott Elementary School
Bryan Riley comes to the Norwood Public Schools after serving as a teacher and Assistant Principal in the District of Columbia Public Schools in a PreK-5th grade Blue Ribbon School. In addition to serving as a teacher and school administrator, Principal Riley was a faculty member and Board member in the School of Education at American University. Bryan and his colleague, Diane Ferreira, will be attending the Conference compliments of MassCUE/MASCD this year.
Call for Proposals Now Closed
In connection to our major theme of the conference from keynote author Julie Wilson’s The Human Side of Changing Education: How to Lead Change With Clarity, Conviction, and Courage, what might you be doing in your school or in your classroom that could be considered related to these primary areas:
- Sustained leadership and a visionary school board
- A shared vision of the change
- Unleashing talent and building teams
- Rethinking the use of time and space
- Overhauling the assessment structure of learning and school performance
- Other topic related to leadership
Times | Description |
7:30 am – 8:00 am | Registration with light breakfast |
8:15 am – 9:20 am | Welcome & Morning Keynote |
9:35 am – 10:25 am | Concurrent Session #1 |
10:35 am – 11:25 am | Concurrent Session #2 |
11:25 am | Visit with Vendors |
11:50 am | Lunch |
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm | Afternoon Keynote |
1:40 pm – 2:30 pm | Concurrent Session #3 |
2:40 pm – 3:30 pm | Concurrent Session #4 |
Click Here to View Sessions
Early Bird | March 8, 2019 | $165.00 |
Regular | After March 8, 2019 | $195.00 |
Group | Districts that send 5 or more educators will receive a 10% discount that is applied to the Purchase Order |
Cancellation fee of $75 will be applied for any cancellations on or after March 9, 2018. Note that if an attendee who cancels after March 8, 2019 substitutes with another colleague then a cancellation fee will not be charged.
Special Offer: Register by 2/29/19 and receive a complimentary copy of Julie Wilson’s new book: The Human Side of Changing Education
Vendor Opportunities
We are looking for four (4) sponsors and two (2) keynote sponsors (morning and afternoon keynotes) for our conference on March 8, 2019. Sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis.
$3,000 Sponsorship – 0 spaces remaining (Limit of 4 Spaces)* • Banquet table for materials • Two complimentary registrations • Recognition before the morning keynote • Logo on Leadership Conference webpage 1 month prior and up to event
$3,500 Keynote Sponsorship – 0 spaces remaining (Limit to 2-one for morning and one for afternoon)* • Larger banquet table in prominent area for materials • Three complimentary registrations • Advertisement on web based app • 2 minute time slot to address the participants before the morning or afternoon keynote • Logo on Leadership Conference webpage 6 weeks prior and up to event
*We have built into our morning and afternoon schedule an additional block of time with no sessions in order to encourage attendees to visit with our sponsors.
Expected Demographics The conference is made up of a cross section of education professionals from across the Commonwealth. There is a small population that attends from surrounding states. The attendance will close at 250 maximum. Expected attendees include Administration (Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Dean of Students, Principals and Technology Directors), Educators (Integration Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Content Coordinators, etc.) and IT Directors. See the demographics at Information at a Glance.
Interested? Please contact Shelley Chamberlain, Executive Director of MassCUE, by January 31, 2019.
Meaningful Conversations Opportunity
Attendees at the Spring Leadership Conference are encouraged to visit our sponsors for this conference and thank them for their support. As an added incentive, the following sponsors are participating in our “Meaningful Conversations” opportunity:
• BrainPOP • Fortinet • Infinite Campus • PowerSchool • SMART Technologies
If an attendee stops by the participating sponsor and has a thoughtful conversation with the vendor (length of the conversation does not matter, just the content), then the vendor may choose to put his/her name for a drawing to win a prize. The drawing will take place immediately after the afternoon keynote session at 1:30 pm, and winners should stop by the vendor table to pick up their prize!
Keynote Sponsors
Morning |
Afternoon |
Table Sponsors

Friday, March 15, 2019 #MALeads19 Thanks for attending our Spring Conference. Please complete our online evaluation to receive your PDP certificate. MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators) and MASCD (the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD) have joined forces to bring together classroom and educational leaders for a one-day event of powerful presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, […]
College of the Holy Cross