Friday, March 9, 2018
Lead Like A Pirate
Thanks for attending our Spring Leadership Conference 2018 at Holy Cross. Please do not forget to fill out your evaluation to receive your PDP certificate.
MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators) and MASCD (the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD) have joined forces to bring together classroom and educational leaders for a one-day event of powerful presentations, workshops, hands-on sessions, and informal gatherings to address the critical issues of education. Both organizations believe in the importance of excellent leadership skills for teachers and administrators. Thus our theme this year is “Lead Like a Pirate”, based on the best- selling book by Beth Houf and Shelley Burgess. See our innovative workshop presentations that support our theme.
College of the Holy Cross 1 College Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01610
Social Media Ambassadors
John O’Sullivan
John O’Sullivan is a Librarian, an Assistive Technology Specialist and an author of several books on educational technology. His books include UDL Technology, TheTeacher’s Awesome App Guide, and Teaching Projects with Computers. He currently holds four certifications in education and has taught under each certification. He works for Chelmsford Public Schools at Chelmsford High School. He has worked in the past as a Special Education Teacher and Technology Integration Specialist. His twitter account is @The_app_guide. He catalogs educational and assistive technology on his website
Rachel Bouhanda
Rachel Bouhanda is the Library Media Specialist for Billerica Memorial High School. She received her B.A. in American Studies from Rutgers University, M.ED Library Teacher from Cambridge College, and C.A.G.S. Education, Media, and Technology from Boston University. She has been the Librarian Coordinator for the NorthEast Educators Network (NPEN) since 2015. Currently Co-Legislation Chair for Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) Board and 2018 WGBH Educator Ambassador.
Follow Rachel on Twitter: @rbouhanda
Beth Houf
Beth Houf is passionate about developing schools that encourage high levels of learning and empowerment for all… schools where students and staff are running to get in, not out! To do so, Beth seeks out fun and meaningful ways to interact with students and teachers so they are excited about coming to school. Wearing costumes, singing karaoke, or breaking out some original dance moves as she enthusiastically greets students each morning, or providing innovative learning time and celebrations for her staff so they feel rejuvenated and excited about teaching is common practice for Beth.
Beth Houf is a middle school principal in central Missouri. She also serves as a facilitator for the DESE Leadership Academy, providing monthly training to state educational leaders. She has spoken at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference, the Association for Middle Level Education National Conference and many state and local educational venues. She is also active in her local, state and national elementary principal associations. Beth has also been a guest lecturer at William Woods University, Westminster University and the University of Missouri. Beth was named a Missouri Exemplary New Principal in 2011 and the Missouri National Distinguished Principal for 2016.
Most recently, Beth partnered with Dave Burgess, Inc. to co-write the book Lead Like a PIRATE with Shelley Burgess. Together, Beth and Shelley have established an international community of leaders. Using professional development sessions, social media and the hashtag #LeadLAP, Beth and Shelley provide leadership support that reinforces key principles and reflective practices.
Natick LLAP Team
Jordan Hoffman- Principal Johnson Elementary School, Dr. Anna Nolin-Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Innovation, Andrew Zitoli-Principal J. F. Kennedy Middle School, Brian Harrigan-Principal Natick High School
March 9, 2018
7:30 am- Registration opens (and light breakfast served)
8:30 am – Morning Keynote
9:45 am to 10:30 am – Concurrent Session #1
10:40 am to 11:25 am – Concurrent Session #2
11:35 am – Visit with Vendor sponsors
12:00 pm – Lunch Provided
12:45 pm – Afternoon Keynote
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm – Concurrent Session #3
2:40 pm to 3:25 pm – Concurrent Session #4
3:30 pm to 4:00 pm -Visit with vendor sponsors
Session times and room locations will be scheduled in mid-February 2018. Attendees are encouraged to sign up for sessions they are interested in attending in order to help us determine the appropriate room size.
Click here to view the Daily Workshop Schedule
Registration is now open!
Cost: | ||
Early Bird | February 26, 2018 | $165.00-districts that send 5 or more educators will receive a 10% discount that is applied to the Purchase Order |
Regular | after February 26, 2018 | $195.00 |
Vendor Opportunities – All spots are now filled!
We are looking for five (5) sponsors and two (2) keynote sponsors (morning and afternoon keynotes) for our conference on March 9, 2018. Sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis.
$3,000 Sponsorship (Limit of 5 Spaces)* • Banquet table for materials • Two complimentary registrations • Recognition before the morning keynote • Logo on Leadership Conference webpage 1 month prior and up to event
$3,500 Keynote Sponsorship (Limit to 2-one for morning and one for afternoon)* • Larger banquet table in prominent area for materials • Three complimentary registrations • Advertisement on web based app • 2 minute time slot to address the participants before the morning or afternoon keynote • Logo on Leadership Conference webpage 6 weeks prior and up to event
*We have built into our morning and afternoon schedule an additional block of time with no sessions in order to encourage attendees to visit with our sponsors.
Expected Demographics The conference is made up of a cross section of education professionals from across the Commonwealth. There is a small population that attends from surrounding states. The attendance will close at 250 maximum. Expected attendees include Administration (Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Dean of Students, Principals and Technology Directors), Educators (Integration Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Content Coordinators, etc.) and IT Directors. See the demographics at Information at a Glance.
Interested? Please contact Shelley Chamberlain, Executive Director of MassCUE, by January 5, 2018.

Friday, March 9, 2018 Thanks for attending our Spring Leadership Conference 2018 at Holy Cross. Please do not forget to fill out your evaluation to receive your PDP certificate. #MALeads18 MassCUE (Massachusetts Computer Using Educators) and MASCD (the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD) have joined forces to bring together classroom and educational leaders for a one-day […]
College of the Holy Cross