Webinar: Special Education, Curriculum-Based Measures, and Learning Recovery
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 2:00PM – 3:00PM EST
Curriculum-based measures provide unique insights into students’ progress and instructional needs. Join us for helpful strategies for using CBM data to support students’ academic recovery in your district this year. You’ll understand:
- How to use CBMs to identify risk for all students—including those suspected of having a learning disability
- When to use CBM data to inform special education eligibility and referrals
- How to use all of your data to identify appropriate services and supports for every learner
When winter break ends, many classroom routines pick up right where they left off. But are you being guided by all of the information you have at this point in the year? How can you best identify the practices that are producing the greatest results and those that may be falling short? In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Sarah Brown and Dr. Gene Kerns explore three key questions to ask at midyear to guide decisions around instruction and intervention in order to maximize student growth.
More Information and Registration

Webinar: Special Education, Curriculum-Based Measures, and Learning Recovery Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 2:00PM – 3:00PM EST Curriculum-based measures provide unique insights into students’ progress and instructional needs. Join us for helpful strategies for using CBM data to support students’ academic recovery in your district this year. You’ll understand: How to use CBMs […]
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