Learning Tour Overview
In this session, attendees will learn ways that young children can explore coding as a literacy, and participate in a hands-on activity involving ScratchJr, a coding app designed for K-2 children. Participants will leave with tips and tricks for playfully introducing coding in early childhood, and information about how to further their knowledge and experience through the Early Childhood Technology graduate certificate program at Tufts University.
Agenda for the tour:
Attendees will be introduced to the Coding as a Literacy approach developed Dr. Marina Umaschi Bers at the DevTech Research Group through an interactive presentation. This presentation will also describe Dr. Bers’ pedagogical of Positive Technological Development framework for recognizing and supporting learning outcomes that children can engage in through positive technology interactions, including 6 C’s: Collaboration, Communication, Content Creation, Creativity, Choices of Conduct, and Community Building.
After the presentation, participants will engage in a hands-on session with the presenter to collaboratively create a project using the ScratchJr tablet app (audience will offer design suggestions as presenter codes, and can also follow along on their own devices). After this, they will also learn how users can share and remix projects, and ways to incorporate a range of learning domains (e.g., literacy, civics) in coding play. The session will conclude with a brief reflection from participants about the Positive Technology behaviors (6 C’s) that they engaged in while playing with ScratchJr, and resources from the presenter about how to learn more about Coding as a Literacy and Positive Technological Development.
Optional materials for audience members:
Android or iOS Tablet, or Chromebook with ScratchJr pre-downloaded
Schedule of events:
Min 0-15: Introductions, presentation on Coding as a Literacy and Positive Technological Development
Min 15-25: Collaborative ScratchJr project coding
Min 25-35: Share Questions and Coding Tips
Min 35-45: Reflection and Share Resources
Virtual – (Meeting link to be provided after registering.)
Tufts Early Childhood Technology (ECT)
About |
The Early Childhood Technology graduate certificate program at Tufts University is a 1-year blended (online and on-campus) program, designed to introduce the teaching of technology and engineering in early childhood in a developmentally appropriate way that focuses on playful learning. Additionally, this program develops students’ teaching practices and assessment methods, and their understanding of student learning through integrated curricula that includes the arts and literacy as well as STEM. Participants who complete the program will be prepared to implement high quality technology and engineering activities in diverse learning environments. They will leave the program with a deep knowledge of pedagogical approaches to early childhood technology education. Learn more at go.tufts.edu/ECT, or watch a short video about the program here: https://youtu.be/zRQGw1iHjNQ Presenter Dr. Amanda Strawhacker is the Associate Director of the ECT program, and a research analyst at the ECT-affiliated DevTech Research Group. Her work involves teaching, developing curriculum, and professional development around educational technology. Learn more about Dr. Strawhacker here. |
Date and Time | December 7, 2021 4:00- 4:45 pm |
Location |
Virtual |
Level | K-2 |
Audience | Classroom Teachers |
MassCUE Member Cost | No charge |
Limit | 25 |

Learning Tour Overview In this session, attendees will learn ways that young children can explore coding as a literacy, and participate in a hands-on activity involving ScratchJr, a coding app designed for K-2 children. Participants will leave with tips and tricks for playfully introducing coding in early childhood, and information about how to further their knowledge […]
Virtual services@viaspire.com