Corporate Partner Teq “Creative, Productive, and Personalized Classrooms”
Creative, Productive, and Personalized Classrooms Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 3:30P.M. (ET) This session will…
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Corporate Partner Teq “Artificial Intelligence in Education: What Do We Need to Know”
Artificial Intelligence in Education: What Do We Need to Know? Thursday,…
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MassCUE Annual General Meeting 2023 – Join Us!
MassCUE Annual General Meeting Annual Report General Meeting Minutes MassCUE members are cordially invited to be our guest for the MassCUE Annual General Meeting and dinner. This event will be held on June 13, 2023, 5:00 P.M., at Gillette Stadium. During this past year, MassCUE has been involved in many wonderful activities, learning experiences, and networking opportunities. The General Meeting is a time for you, our members, to talk with our MassCUE Board of Directors and reflect on all the great things we have accomplished together! Let's reconnect with old friends, meet new ones, interact with our Corporate Partners, and give feedback to help shape the future of MassCUE. Join us for a cocktail hour at 5:00 P.M., followed by a MassCUE presentation and dinner. Location: Optum Lounge, Gillette Stadium View Map of Parking and Directions to Gillette Please Note that the Map shows 2 entrances. E3 is the only entrance which can be used to get to the Optum Lounge. Directions: Enter via P1 Drive. Continue along P1 Drive towards the Security Check Point. Take your first right into Lot 6 and enter via the E3 Dell Technologies Suite entrance. Lighted electronic boards and directional signs will direct you to your event. Registration This event is for current members only. If your membership has expired, you must renew before you complete your registration. If you are not a MassCUE member, please join before registering! Register Now From a return to the MassCUE Fall Conference in person to the launching of the MassCUE4ALL Equity Campaign, to committee and special interest group support for educators, MassCUE has a lot to celebrate from the past year. Read all about these accomplishments and more in our Annual Report for fiscal year 2022-23. View Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Please review the minutes from the 2022 Annual General Meeting. A motion will be made to accept these minutes at our June 13, 2023 meeting. View Minutes General Meeting June 2022 Please review the minutes from the February 15, 2023 General Meeting. A motion will be made to accept these minutes at our June 13, 2023 meeting. View Minutes General Meeting February 2023
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Coach Bootcamp 2023
DESCRIPTION This workshop aims to support educators aspiring to become Technology or Instructional Coaches, and also supports coaches who are relatively new in their coaching role. The workshop aims to provide coaches with structure, tools, resources, and a PLN that they can access for support. Coaches Jen and Jess will discuss best practices and will support attendees who are interested in incorporating the Google Coaching model into their professional practices. This workshop will be asynchronous with weekly synchronous meetings. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 7/24/23 REQUISITES Audience Instructional Coaches (technology and all curricular areas) Level K-12 Instructors Jen Thomas and Jessica Brittingham Dates July 31, 2023 through August 25, 2023 (4 Weeks) Asynchronous with weekly synchronous online meetings. Meetings TBD based on participants' availability. Time Live Virtual Meetings Weekly TBD based on participants' availability Earn 15 PDPs Location Online MassCUE Member Cost $150 Non-Member Cost $190 Limit 25 Participants Prerequisites Interest in or currently in an Instructional or Technology Coaching Role Optional Graduate Credit 1 Graduate Credit through WSU (pending approval) INSTRUCTORS Jen Thomas is the Professional Learning and Program Coordinator for MassCUE. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Bates College in 2000, a Master of Arts degree in Musicology from Tufts University in 2002, and a Master of Science degree in Library Science from Simmons College in 2005. A passionate technology educator, she began her career as a library media specialist and later shifted into the role of instructional technology specialist. After almost two decades working in schools, she decided it was time to give back to an organization that supported her career and is now thrilled to be part of the MassCUE team. Jen is dedicated to empowering teachers and students and has a strong interest in planning and delivering professional development in all aspects of educational technology. Jen is a Google Certified Educator, Google Certified Coach, and Google Certified Trainer. She resides in Rhode Island with her husband, Charlie, and their three children, Cooper, Noah, and Caroline. Jessica Brittingham is the Director of Technology and Digital Learning for Uxbridge Public Schools. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from UMass Boston in 2000 and a Master’s Degree in Professional Writing from UMass Dartmouth in 2007. She taught fourteen years of high school English in Westport and Dartmouth before assuming a role as Technology Integration Specialist with Uxbridge Public Schools. Jess was promoted to Director of Technology and Digital Learning in October, 2022. Jess is a Google Certified Trainer, a Google Certified Coach, and is a MassCUE Instructor. Jess began working on her doctorate degree in Educational Leadership in May 2022, and expects to graduate in winter 2024. COURSE OUTLINE Week 1: Kicking the year off as a coach Week 2: Building Relationships with teachers and administrators Week 3: Communication and Coaching Week 4: Campaigns and Initiatives ISTE STANDARDS ISTE Standards Coaching Standards 1: Change Agent 1a) Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process. 1b) Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet the needs of each learner. 1c) Cultivate a supportive coaching culture that encourages educators and leaders to achieve a shared vision and individual goals. 1d) Recognize educators across the organization who use technology effectively to enable high-impact teaching and learning. 1e) Connect leaders, educators, instructional support, technical support, domain experts and solution providers to maximize the potential of technology for learning. 2: Connected Learner 2a) Pursue professional learning that deepens expertise in the ISTE Standards in order to serve as a model for educators and leaders. 2b) Actively participate in professional learning networks to enhance coaching practice and keep current with emerging technology and innovations in pedagogy and the learning sciences. 2c) Establish shared goals with educators, reflect on successes and continually improve coaching and teaching practice. 3: Collaborator 3a) Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies. 3b) Partner with educators to identify digital learning content that is culturally relevant, developmentally appropriate and aligned to content standards. 3c) Partner with educators to evaluate the efficacy of digital learning content and tools to inform procurement decisions and adoption. 3d) Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning. 4: Learning Designer 4a) Collaborate with educators to develop authentic, active learning experiences that foster student agency, deepen content mastery and allow students to demonstrate their competency. 4b) Help educators use digital tools to create effective assessments that provide timely feedback and support personalized learning. 4c) Collaborate with educators to design accessible and active digital learning environments that accommodate learner variability. 4d) Model the use of instructional design principles with educators to create effective digital learning environments. 5: Professional Learning Facilitator 5a) Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional and learning needs. 5b) Build the capacity of educators, leaders and instructional teams to put the ISTE Standards into practice by facilitating active learning and providing meaningful feedback. 5c) Evaluate the impact of professional learning and continually make improvements in order to meet the schoolwide vision for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning. 6: Data-Driven Decision Maker 6a) Assist educators and leaders in securely collecting and analyzing student data. 6b) Support educators to interpret qualitative and quantitative data to inform their decisions and support individual student learning. 6c) Partner with educators to empower students to use learning data to set their own goals and measure their progress. 7: Digital Citizen Advocate 7a) Inspire and encourage educators and students to use technology for civic engagement and to address challenges to improve their communities. 7b) Partner with educators, leaders, students and families to foster a culture of respectful online interactions and a healthy balance in their use of technology. 7c) Support educators and students to critically examine the sources of online media and identify underlying assumptions. 7d) Empower educators, leaders and students to make informed decisions to protect their personal data and curate the digital profile they intend to reflect. REGISTRATION Coach Bootcamp Registration Online Workshop (Optional Grad Credit) July 31, 2023 through August 25, 2023 REGISTER FOR COACH BOOTCAMP REGISTRATION DEADLINE: July 24, 2023
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Corporate Partner Teq “Innovative Teaching ChatGPT with Alice Keeler”
Innovative Teaching with ChatGPT: Empowering Teachers to Enhance Pedagogy, Not Just Efficiency with Alice Keeler Thursday,…
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Corporate Partner Renaissance “Overcoming Top MTSS Challenges”
Webinar: Overcoming Top MTSS Challenges to Better Serve All Students Thursday,…
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Corporate Partner Teq: “Crypto, NFTs, Metaverse, Blockchain”
Crypto, NFTs, Metaverse, Blockchain: What Educators Should Know Thursday, March 30, 2023, 3:00P.M. As an educator, are…
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Corporate Partner Imagine Learning “March Madness Summit”
Imagine Learning Massachusetts 2023 March Madness Summit Wednesday, March 29, 2023 8:30am – 1:30pm Massachusetts School Administrators Association Headquarters 33 Forge…
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Corporate Partner Renaissance “Rethinking Math Milestones for K-12”
Webinar: Rethinking Math Milestones for K-12 Thursday, March 16, 2023, 10:00-11:00am…
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Fall Conference 2023
Held in partnership with the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S), the MassCUE Annual Fall Conference is the premier education technology conference in New England. MassCUE is the Massachusetts affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The theme of the 2023 Fall Conference is MassCUE4ALL. REGISTRATION & PRICING This two-day event features workshops, demonstrations and presentations by thought leaders and preeminent educators on how to enhance teaching and learning with technology focusing on digital equity. Hundreds of education technology companies and nonprofit organizations participate in this event, sharing the latest in education technology advances with educators and administrators from across the region. For educators who want to connect with their peers and learn the latest in edtech, the Fall Conference has it all! INFO ON DOWNLOADING THE WHOVA APP OR SIGNING IN ON THE WEB PORTAL ATTENDEE INFORMATION ATTENDEE INFORMATION/REGISTRATION Register Registration & Pricing Information REGISTER Conference Schedule Overview Times for Start, Sessions, Lunch, Speakers View Attendee Info/Tips Info on App, Parking, Maps, ADA Cart, Conference Bags & Lanyards, Evening Events, Help, and more! Learn More Evening Events Evening Events Open to All. Great opportunity for networking! Learn More Accommodations MassCUE has secured special pricing at several area hotels. LEARN MORE Earn Credits Earn graduate credit from Bridgewater State by attending sessions and submitting a final project. Learn More Attendee Map Gillette Stadium: East/West Side, Floor Levels, Suite Numbers, Interactive Spaces View Exhibitor Area Floor Map/East Side Map Gillette Stadium: Detailed view of East Side, including Exhibit Hall View SCHEDULE, SPEAKERS, EXHIBITORS, INTERACTIVE SPACES SCHEDULE, SPEAKERS, EXHIBITORS, INTERACTIVE SPACES CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Overview Overview Schedule w/Times for Sessions, Keynote Speakers, Exhibit Hall Hours, and Ice Cream/Cookies View Overview Schedule CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Full Event Full Event Schedule for Wednesday and Thursday: Time, Titles, Tracks, Presenters, Description View FULL Schedule EXHIBITORS: Full List View a list of our Exhibitors for the Fall 2023 Conference and Exhibit Hall Hours. View Exhibitors SPEAKER: Wednesday Keynote Ken Shelton Learn More SPEAKER: Thursday Keynote Dr. Liza Talusan Learn More SPEAKERS: Featured Speakers Hear from innovative educators! Learn More SPEAKERS: Session Speakers Learn more about our Speakers and their Session Learn More INTERACTIVE SPACE: Student Voice Village sponsored by Pro AV Students engaging with MassCUE attendees. Learn More INTERACTIVE SPACE: Creativity Cafe sponsored by SMART Technologies Presenters showcasing their work on creativity in the classroom. Learn More INTERACTIVE SPACE: Educator Showcase sponsored by Discovery Education Fellow educators sharing new ideas and inspiration. Learn More SPONSORED SPACE: ESports Arena sponsored by CDW Education Explore the world of ESports Learn More SPONSORED SPACE: STEM Playground sponsored by Teq Explore the latest STEM technologies for learning through hands-on experiences. Learn More SPONSORED SPACE: Cricut area sponsored by Cricut Join Cricut for their Make-and-Take Workshops and learn more about Cricut Learn More SPONSORED SPACE: Pro AV area sponsored by Pro AV Explore the world of Pro AV Learn More EXHIBITORS & SPONSORS INFORMATION EXHIBITORS and SPONSORS Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at the MassCUE Fall Conference. We are currently sold out of exhibit booths. We do have a few sponsorship opportunities remaining and if this is of interest to you please continue to complete your sponsorship registration. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list for an exhibit booth please email karen@delaneymeetingevent.com to let us know. In the event of an exhibitor cancellation, we will reach out to vendors on our waiting list in order of their request. Thank You! Tuesday, October 17th Exhibitor Move-In/Set Up 8:00am-10:00am Exhibitor Set-Up for Corporate Partners and Large Sponsors 10:00am-7:00pm Exhibitor Set-Up for All Exhibitors (Capital's desk is open until 5:00pm) 5:00pm-6:00pm Vendor Reception -- Welcome and Thank You to Vendors for their Support Wednesday, October 18th Trade Show: 7:30am-4:00pm Thursday, October 19th Trade Show: 7:30am-3:00pm (Exhibitor Tear Down 3:00pm-5:00pm) Please be aware that MassCUE does not share their attendee list at all. If you receive email solicitation asking you if you would like to obtain the attendee list for the conference, this is a scam. We offer a lead retrieval service at the conference so that attendees can share their contact information with vendors at will. More information about 1st Sales lead retrieval service may be found here: https://www.masscue.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2023-MassCUE-Sponsor-Exhibitor-Brochure.pdf 2023 Fall Conference Exhibitors Guide Important Exhibitor Details View Guide Exhibitors & Sponsors Brochure Exhibitors & Sponsors General Info and Opportunities Brochure View Brochure Floor Plan Exhibitor area located in Putnam East Club View Floor Plan Exhibitor Registration Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration for Fall 23 Conference Register to Exhibit Nonprofit Presenters NonProfit Info and Registration for Fall 23 Conference Details Conference Stats MassCUE22 Attendee Information Learn More Accommodations MassCUE has secured special pricing at several area hotels. LEARN MORE FAQs Exhibitor FAQs for Fall 23 Conference Learn More Lead Retrieval Mobile app/scanners to gather, qualify and annotate leads. Vendors may work directly with 1st Sales to purchase services. Learn More Exhibitor Service Manual Important information regarding booth setup services. View Manual Exhibitor List List of Exhibitors for the Fall 2023 Conference View Exhibitors MEDIA MEDIA Press MassCUE welcomes coverage of the MassCUE conference. Learn More Social Media Follow #masscue & our Social Media Ambassadors Learn More EDUCATOR SCHOLARSHIPS In support of MassCUE’s goal to provide high quality professional development to educators throughout the Commonwealth, MassCUE and its sponsors/exhibitors provided teacher scholarships to encourage broader opportunities to attend the conference. We are pleased to offer scholarships as our way of “giving back” to educators. Here is the complete list of districts who received these scholarships. MassCUE Fall Conference 2023 Educator Scholarships Donated by our Platinum and Gold Corporate Partners PLATINUM CORPORATE PARTNERS SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Custom Computer Specialists Amesbury, Greenfield, and Haverhill Public Schools 4 Educator Scholarships Fortinet Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School 4 Educator Scholarships Gaggle Boston and Cromwell Public Schools 4 Educator Scholarships Ockers Lowell Public Schools 4 Educator Scholarships Renaissance Stoneham and Waltham Public Schools 4 Educator Scholarships TechMD Springfield, Wareham, and Watertown Public Schools 4 Educator Scholarships GOLD CORPORATE PARTNERS SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED CDW Randolph Public Schools 2 Educator Scholarships ClassLink LPVEC and Mohawk Trail Regional School District 2 Educator Scholarships Imagine Learning Saugus Public Schools and Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School 2 Educator Scholarships Pro AV Somerville and Southbridge Public Schools 2 Educator Scholarships Promethean New Bedford Public Schools 2 Educator Scholarships Proximity Learning New Bedford Public Schools 2 Educator Scholarships Teq Pawtucket Public Schools and Ravina-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD 2 Educator Scholarships Scholarships from the Platinum and Gold Corporate Partners covered the cost for a teacher to attend one day of the conference. Each Platinum Corporate Partner sponsored a total of 4 scholarships; each Gold Corporate Partner sponsored a total of 2 scholarships. PRESENTER FAQs The MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference 2023 Presenter Frequently Asked Questions Thank you to all the educators who submitted proposals and will be presenting for Traditional Breakout Sessions, Interactive Spaces: Student Voice Village, Creativity Cafe, and Educator Showcase. We are looking forward to the Fall Conference with your inspiring sessions. It is going to be a GREAT Conference! VIEW PRESENTER FAQs In our FAQ document, you will find answers to questions on registration, parking, checking in the day of the conference, wifi, support, your session slides, sharing on social media, location of your session, support, and much more! View Interactive Spaces Map for Gillette East Side, Red Level (Educator Showcase, Creativity Cafe, STEM Playground) View Interactive Spaces Map for Gillette East Side, Blue Level (Student Voice Village) PRESENT AT MASSCUE The MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP) is now closed! 2023 Theme: MassCUE4ALL Thank you to all the educators who submitted proposals for Traditional Breakout Sessions, Student Voice Village, and Interactive Spaces. We are looking forward to the Fall Conference with your inspiring sessions. It is going to be a GREAT Conference! Proposal Acceptance decisions for the MassCUE 2023 Fall Conference will be sent out by the end of June. At the beginning of the year, we realized in order to progress towards our mission to "Educate, Connect, Inspire,” we could not be MassCUE for some, we had to be MassCUE4All; which is why we're making equity a through-line. Additionally, as an EdTech organization, we know that the impact of technology in the classroom, as well as digital literacy in life, is irrefutable. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to use our platform to advocate for digital equity, not for some, but digital equity for all. SUBMIT A PROPOSAL (Closed) 2023 Presentation Strands School Community: Proposals in this strand should focus on building school community and culture in order to positively impact experiences for students and staff. This can be anything from infrastructure and networks to building-wide policies, or even district-wide tech integration. These sessions should deepen knowledge for school leaders to feel empowered in guiding community-based, building-wide action steps. Capacity Building: Proposals in this strand should focus on education technology tools that can increase equity and/or access for students. These sessions should showcase specific tools and/or strategies that school/classroom educators can use. Joy and Justice: Proposals in this strand should focus on embracing joy as a tool to inform school/classroom policies. These sessions should include examples of how opportunities for joy expanded results for justice. Centering Students: Proposals in this strand should focus on how to embrace student voice, choice, and agency in the school/classroom environment. These sessions should provide specific examples so that participants feel empowered to bring youth into decision making spaces with the goal of determining what is best for students. The educational landscape has ebbed and flowed with the changes we have all faced. You may have a story to share with your fellow educators. We are seeking students, educators and administrators from all disciplines to be part of our programming. More information on the opportunities to present can be found in these links: Traditional Breakout Sessions, the Student Voice Village and Interactive Spaces. This year's theme is MassCUE4ALL and while we are certainly accepting sessions across the entire educational spectrum, those that specifically address equity will be given additional consideration. Submit a proposal to present at the MassCUE Fall Conference 2023 by May 29, 2023 (RFP Deadline has been extended to May 29, 2023 from May 21, 2023). (New this year: RFP is in a Google form which means that your RFP will automatically be saved as you enter your proposal information!) Have a question about submitting a proposal? Need some help putting a proposal together? Sign up for a one-on-one session (bit.ly/MasscueRFPQnA) with our Professional Learning & Program Coordinator who can work directly with you. If you have any questions, please email presenters@masscue.org SUBMIT A PROPOSAL (Closed)
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Corporate Partner Newsela: Equity & Acceleration in the MTSS/RTI Journey
Upcoming Webinar: Equity & Acceleration in the MTSS/RTI Journey w/Newsela Thursday, March 16, 2023, 10:00-11:00am (Virtual) Description:…
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