Amazing Tech Tools for Student Creation & Innovation
Learning Tour Overview So many tools and so little time! Save yourself some precious time by attending this session…
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Playful Coding in K-2: Developmentally Appropriate Ways to Learn with Technology
Learning Tour Overview In this session, attendees will learn ways that young children can explore coding as a literacy,…
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Assistive Tech for ELL Students and Students with Language-Based Disabilities
Learning Tour Overview Explore how to use various tech tools to meet the needs of ELLs and students with…
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Introduction to Google Data Studio and Google BigQuery (Vendor-Sponsored)
Technology Staff, Data Specialists, District & Building Administrators, & Teacher Leaders Beginning/All
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Meet and Greet our Corporate Partners Event for MA Tech Directors at Polar Park
MassCUE is pleased to announce its first in-person event on Friday, August 13th at Polar Park in Worcester. This special event will give Tech Directors throughout the Commonwealth the opportunity to meet our Corporate Partners for the 2021-2022 school year. Tech Directors will be our guests for this late afternoon/evening event. The event starts at 5 pm with an informal dinner and social hour to meet our Corporate Partners, followed by the WooSox game and fireworks after the game. This event will be limited to 60 Tech Directors so be on the lookout for registration to open by mid-July! Register for Event
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Privacy and Security, Trends, the TEC Privacy Consortium, and How ClassLink Helped Haverhill with a Ransomware Event! (Vendor-Sponsored)
ClassLink, TEC & Haverhill Public Schools
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