All MassCUE Members are cordially invited to join the MassCUE Annual General Meeting virtually on June 9, 2021 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. We will share our accomplishments for this year as well as new upcoming programs and projects. As a kickoff to our meeting, Hedreich Nichols has agreed to share with us one of her SmallBites to promote anti-racist education in our schools and classrooms.
This event is for current members only. If your membership has expired, you must renew before you complete your registration. If you are not a MassCUE member, please join before registering!
The following opportunities are available for vendors for this event:
2 – Dinner sponsorships at $750 each
1 – Tour sponsorship at $750
1 – Beverage sponsorship at $750
Hedreich Nichols M. Ed.
What Do You Really Want?
In this brief presentation, I hope to inspire educators to fail forward and to be unafraid to call someone the wrong cultural name or pronoun, to not know what the latest thing ‘cancelled’ is or even to be labeled a woke lord or White savior. I want educators to be unafraid to mess up, dust themselves off and try again. I will highlight the length of time from the 1600s to now and liken it to gaining and losing weight: the path curves round the mountain.
Hedreich Nichols is an author, educator and consultant helping teachers and schools amplify the voices of all students. Hedreich also hosts a YouTube series and podcast, SmallBites, with the same focus. Between SmallBites and her work as a writer for companies like Cherry Lake Publishing, Solution Tree, Edutopia and Cult of Pedagogy; and a speaker at conferences like VASCD, CUE and AEILOC; Hedreich uses her voice to educate and create change around issues of access and equity in education.
Hedreich received her Master of Education in educational technology at Texas A&M University.
Please review the minutes from the 2020 Annual General Meeting. A motion will be made to accept these minutes at our June 9, 2021 meeting.
