The MassCUE Datapalooza is a new event that focuses on educators sharing best practices for using data in the classroom, school, or district. The event will start with a morning keynote followed by a series of presentations (55 minutes long) throughout the day. We are encouraging educators to attend this event in teams that consist of school and district administrators, technology directors, technology integration specialists, and classroom teachers or specialists. Presentations will demonstrate on how schools and/or districts effectively use data to improve teaching and learning.
(Link to handouts will be added to the schedule of presentations)
Follow this amazing event on Twitter #masscuedata18
Regular Registration: $65
Limit: 90 educators.
Sold out – waiting list only
This event will be held at:
St. Peter-Marian Junior-Senior High School
Dr. Damian Bebell, Keynote
Drinking from the Fire Hose: Leveraging Data in the 21st Century School
Over the past few years some truly exciting opportunities have emerged for educators and schools seeking to better leverage educational data. Learn how schools across the globe are leveraging everything from simple student survey reflections to predictive learning analytics to support opportunities for educators and schools to better define, measure and communicate what they find valuable and important.
Dr. Damian Bebell is a well-established leader in the design and implementation of research and evaluation studies in technology rich educational environments. Damian holds a position of Assistant Research Professor at Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and is a Senior Research Associate at the Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy. In 2011, Damian co-founded the website, dedicated to strengthening strategic vision in education and assessment. Currently, Damian is Research Director for the International Research Collaborative, a longitudinal research collaboration between data scientists, educational researchers, and schools around the world.
Call for Proposals Now Closed
Congratulations to our presenters!
Presentations will include (but are not limited to):
· Setting up and maintaining a data warehouse · Mining data effectively · Using data to narrow the achievement gap · Sharing effective ways to deal with data phobia · Considering data from a variety of sources · Using data to communicate with colleagues across grade levels and district · Collecting, analyzing and presenting/sharing data both informally and formally · Sharing how leadership teams promote and guide the use of data within their districts
Early Bird Registration (ends January 5, 2018) | $45.00 (fee includes lunch) |
Regular Registration (after January 5, 2018) | $65.00 (fee includes lunch) |
Date and Time | January 25, 2018 (snow date: January 26, 2018) |
Location | St. Peter-Marian Junior-Senior High School |
Audience | Teachers and Administrators |
Participants | 75 |
Session Schedule
7:30 am- Registration opens (light breakfast will be served)
8:30 am – 9:15 am – Morning Keynote
9:30 am to 10:15 am – Concurrent Session #1
10:30 am to 11:15 am – Concurrent Session #2
11:30 am – Visit with Vendor sponsors (Media Center)
12:00 -12:25 pm – DataSlam (Media Center)
12:30 – 1:00 – Lunch (Cafeteria)
1:15 pm to 2:00 pm – Concurrent Session #3
2:15 pm to 3:00 pm – Concurrent Session #4

The MassCUE Datapalooza is a new event that focuses on educators sharing best practices for using data in the classroom, school, or district. The event will start with a morning keynote followed by a series of presentations (55 minutes long) throughout the day. We are encouraging educators to attend this event in teams that […]
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