Thanks for attending MassCUE’s Googlepalooza event at Mashpee Public Schools. Please check the schedule tab for presenter resources. Most importantly, please take a moment to fill out our online evaluation [1] so we can continue to improve this event.
View Googlepalooza Website [2]
Registration is now open!
This event will be held at:
Mashpee High School 500 Old Barnstable Road, Mashpee, MA 02649
Colleen Terrill
Colleen is currently the Director of Instructional Technology for Mashpee Public Schools after being a 6th grade teacher for 15 years. She provides ongoing professional development for teachers in her district where she focuses on the importance of balance between technology and curriculum. Colleen is a regular presenter at regional and national conferences such as MassCUE, ACTEM, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, CoSN and ISTE. She was a Keynote Panel Presenter for the New England 1:1 Summit. She is also an Associate Professor through the Extended Campus Program at Fitchburg State University where she teaches Explicit Instruction as well as Technology Integration in the Classroom. She is currently pursuing her Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership from Curry College.
Karen Winsper

Susan Kiley

Susan holds a Master of Education degree in Curriculum & Instructional Technology, as well as MA DESE licenses in both teaching and administration. Her focus is on how technology can be used to improve teaching and learning, and bridging the gap between pedagogy and technology tools to make this happen. She may be found online at https://susankileyile.wordpress.com/ [11], on Twitter @msskiley [12] & Google+ [13].
Jennifer Judkins
Jennifer is the Director of Digital Learning for the Lexington Public Schools district. Jenn is a Google for Education Certified Trainer [14], 2016 MassCUE Pathfinder recipient & was awarded the 2015 PBS Lead Digital Innovator. She provides professional development in her home district and schools throughout MA. Jenn curates useful technology resources, tip sheets and integration ideas for educators on her blog, www.teachingforward.net [15] and is a regular contributer on the TechEducator Podcast [16]. Find Jenn on Twitter @jennjudkins [17].
Julie Spang
Julie is a former Grade 3-12 classroom teacher and currently the Digital Learning Coach for Groton Dunstable Regional Middle School. She is a Google for Education Certified Trainer [18], co-organizer of Edcamp Grafton & North Shore, MakerSpace enthusiast and presenter at MassCUE and Christa McAuliffe Technology conferences. She delivers professional development in and out of the district and supports teachers in the meaningful integration of technology in the classroom. Julie is an adjunct professor at Fitchburg State University. You can contact her via email [19] and Twitter @jaspang [20].
Sarah Perkins
Sarah is a Digital Learning Coach for Lynnfield Public Schools. A former middle school Language Arts teacher, Sarah became a technology specialist to guide and encourage other teachers as they utilize technological tools with their curriculums. Sarah has provided professional development both in-district and at regional conferences, including Blue Ribbon Schools, MassCUE, and Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. Sarah’s passion is to help teachers to see the possibilities that digital learning tools can bring to learners of all ages to feel successful in and out of the classroom. Sarah can be found on Twitter @ELAperks [21].
Joli Boucher
Joli as a former elementary classroom teacher, Jolianne has expertise in best practices across the curriculum. Joli is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, a Tech4Learning Innovative Educator, a Seesaw Ambassador, and a BrainPOP Certified Teacher. Joli has presented professional development opportunities to educators and administrators across New England as a featured presenter at Google Summit featuring the G Suite for Education. And, she will be presenting two sessions at MassCUE this Fall. Joli curates her classroom tips and resources at www.flippedtechcoaching.com [22]. Jolianne has taught in the Plymouth Public Schools for over 18 years.
Audra Kaplan
Audra Kaplan is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Digital Learning Coach at Groton-Dunstable Regional School District. She is also an online graduate instructor for Ed Technology Specialists and Andrews University with a master’s degree from Lesley University in Educational Technology as well as an bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Southern Connecticut State University. Audra is a conference presenter across New England and in New York City. Prior to completing her degree and becoming a technology integrator, Audra spent over 17 years in the classroom teaching ELL, ELA, Social Development, Science, Math, and Computer Technology classes. At Groton-Dunstable Ms. Kaplan works to integrate technology into student and staff learning across the district and building the computer science program. Ms. Kaplan was recognized as one of 100 teachers nationally by NCWIT and the NSF because of her efforts to support Computer Science in Education. During the 100 Teachers Meeting in Washington DC in December of 2014, honorees were invited to the White House.
When away from school Ms. Kaplan enjoys spending time with her family, co leading a Girl Scout troop, learning new things, and exploring the world. Follow her on twitter @AudraKaplan
Cost | $65.00 (fee includes lunch) |
Trainers |
Date and Time | August 16, 2018 8:00 am – 3:00 pm |
Location | Mashpee High School 500 Old Barnstable Road, Mashpee, MA 02649 |
Audience | Teachers and Administrators |
Check In / Light Breakfast: 8:15 – 8:45 Session 1: 9:00 – 10:00 Session 2: 10:15 – 11:15 Lunch / Smackdown: 11:15 – 12:30 Session 3: 12:45 – 1:45 Session 4: 2:00 – 3:00
Vendor Opportunities
We are looking for three (3) sponsors for this one-day event at $750 each. Sponsorships are available on a first come, first serve basis.Sponsorship includes:
- Banquet table for materials
- Two complimentary registrations
- Recognition before the morning session
- Logo on Winter Camp webpage 3 months prior and up to event
- 2-minute time slot to address the participants during lunch and opportunity to set up device bar.
Expected Demographics
We expect 100 educators (Integration Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Content Coordinators, etc.) for this event.
Please contact Shelley Chamberlain [23], Executive Director of MassCUE, for more information.