Hoonuit Refresher
New to Hoonuit/Infobase or want a refresher? MassCUE members are welcome to join a 45 minute overview how to best incorporate new tools and techniques into your teaching and learning. All questions will be answered.
There will be two sessions (educators are welcome to attend either).
Please join us:
October 7th (4:30 pm EST) via Google Meet
Dial: +14434896361 PIN: 176860199

Hoonuit Refresher New to Hoonuit/Infobase or want a refresher? MassCUE members are welcome to join a 45 minute overview how to best incorporate new tools and techniques into your teaching and learning. All questions will be answered. There will be two sessions (educators are welcome to attend either). Please join us: October 7th (4:30 pm […]
Virtual Live services@viaspire.com Add to Calendar