We are pleased to announce the MassCUE and M.A.S.S. 2017 Annual Technology Conference,
co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) and the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.).
Both organizations recognize the benefits of a collaborative partnership that focuses on the collective interests of our school districts. We will be providing educators from across the Commonwealth and New England with exciting ways to enhance teaching and learning with technology.
Our new mobile app is ready! Download from your mobile device or from your computer to view our presenters and workshop titles for the fall conference. Or do a search at the app store for AttendeeHub. Download AttendeeHub and then search for the event: #MassCUE17. Click the download button to install the app on your mobile device.
2017 MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Technology Conference
Join us October 25th-26th, 2017
Register on or before Friday, October 20, 2017 at 9 am (extended 3 days) to receive these rates:
Conference Rate | Member | Non-Member |
One-Day Pass (Wed. or Thurs.) | $165.00* | $210.00 |
Two-Day Pass (Same attendee) | $250.00* | $295.00 |
Presenter(1 per session) | No Charge** | No Charge** |
Co-Presenter (1 per session) | $75.00 per day** | $75.00 per day** |
SIG Leader, Volunteer or Full-time University Student | $75.00 per day | $75.00 per day |
Cancellation Policy: If you cancel before October 20, 2017 at 9 am you will receive a full refund. After that date if you need to cancel you may send another attendee in your place. If a replacement is not identified then the $75 administrative fee will be charged.
*Attending the fall conference does not include MassCUE membership. However, we encourage you to join MassCUE to take advantage of the individual MassCUE membership rate. If you are not a MassCUE member and would like to pay the member rate, you will be able to purchase a membership during the registration process. ** The discounted registration for Presenters & Co-Presenters is only available on the day of their presentation. Limit of one presenter and one co-presenter per workshop. Additional workshop presenters pay regular daily rate.
Late Registration-just extended to 10/20/17 at 9 am
Register on or after October 20, 2017 at 9 am at these rates:
Conference Rate | Member | Non-Member |
One-Day Pass (Wed. or Thurs.) | $215.00 | $260.00 |
Two-Day Pass (Same attendee) | $300.00* | $345.00 |
Presenter | No Charge** | No Charge** |
Co-Presenter (1 per session) | $75.00 per day** | $75.00 per day** |
SIG Leader, Volunteer or Full-time University Student | $75.00 per day | $75.00 per day |
Cancellation Policy
Full refunds will be given on or before October 16, 2017 at 5 pm. After that date a fee of $75 will be charged. (Note that attendees are allowed to send a replacement if unable to attend due to emergency circumstances.)
All workshops (55 minutes) are included in the conference registration and do not require pre-registration.
Group Registration
The Group Rate is available for organizations registering 5 or more attendees. All attendees in the group get the rate of $165 for one day or $250 for both.
RI-ISTE Registration
Please contact your association for a discount code.
Interested in volunteering for the conference and getting discounted rate of $75? Apply to be a volunteer.
Registration is now open!
2017 Exhibitors
View all the information you need to become an exhibitor at the Fall Conference:
- Exhibitor Service Manual
- 2017 Floor Plan
- 2016 Fall Conference Infographic
- Lead Retrieval Services
- Current Exhibitors
What is the cost of a booth and what comes with the booth?
Each booth costs $2,100 and includes registration for two vendor personnel. Personnel must be registered prior to show open. Additional personnel, or those not registered prior to show open are $100 each per day. All booth payments must be made by credit card. If you need to pay by invoice, please contact Shannon Fitzpatrick at sfitzpatrick@masscue.org. All invoices are subject to NET45 terms and must be received prior to the conference, no later than October 17th. Each booth also includes the following:
- Pipe and Drape 8’x10’ space
- 2 Chairs and 1 table
- Standard Electric (5 amps)
- Exhibitor dedicated wi-fi
- Trash Barrel
Note: Entire floor is carpeted other than a small section of tile. Most companies choose not to purchase additional carpeting.
Are there any other space options?
For vendors who are looking for an ‘outside the box’ set up we are offering the exclusive use of Gillette Stadium luxury box suites overlooking the field. This is the perfect opportunity to host 1 hour, half day or even all day workshops. Session offerings will be listed on our mobile scheduling app at sched.org. Cost for this option is dependent on square footage of the suite:
- small: $5,000
- medium: $7,000
- large suite or Mezzanine: $10,000
If you would like to see a sample layout of the suites please contact Shannon Fitzpatrick at sfitzpatrick@masscue.org
Can vendors offer a workshop?
Vendors who sign up for a booth at the MassCUE/M.A.S.S. conference may additionally purchase a workshop for $1000 per workshop per day. We limit this option to one workshop per day per vendor. Selection of session time/date is made during booth registration. After the registration has been confirmed and email confirmation will be sent with a link to submit your session proposal information. If you have already purchased a booth and you would like to offer a workshop, please contact Shannon Fitzpatrick at sfitzpatrick@masscue.org for available session times and to modify your registration.
What is the cancellation policy?
All cancellations must be made in writing to the Exhibits Manager, Shannon Fitzpatrick. If notification is received on or before August 1, all monies, less a $100 service charge, will be refunded. Cancellation received after August 1 obligates the exhibitor to forfeiture of all monies paid. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER THIS DATE. Failure to occupy booth space does not release the exhibitor from the full cost o f the rental. If the booth space is not occupied when the hall opens, show management will have the right to use the space as it sees fit to eliminate empty spaces in the exhibit hall.
Sponsor Opportunities
MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Conference 2017
Updated as of July 5, 2017
Item | Cost | Total # Available | # Remaining | Description |
35th Anniversary Teacher Scholarship | $500 | 3 | 12 | New 2017! Teacher scholarship includes entrance to both days of the conference, overnight at the Hilton Garden Inn at Gillette. Scholarships sponsored by vendors will include the name of the company as well as a photo opportunity with the lucky educator at the exhibitor booth. Limit of one per vendor with the maximum of 30. Additional information available here. |
NEW! Pat the Patriot | $250 | 2 | 0 | SOLD! Thank you to Whalley Computer Associates and Lexia Learning. |
Keynote (Wed.) | $5,000 | 1 | 1 | Sponsor our Wednesday Keynote. Package includes:
CUEKids & Global Ed Student Showcases | $5,000 | 1 | 1 | Sponsor our high traffic and well attended Student Showcases. Package includes:
This sponsorship can be split between 2 vendors (2@$2500) |
Suite/Breakout Package | $5,000 small,
$7,000 medium, $10,000 large |
5 | 0 | SOLD! |
Teacher Brainstorm and Sharing Center | $4,500 | 1 | 0 | SOLD! Thank you to Pro AV Systems! |
Mobile App Sponsorship | $15,000(exclusive)
$5,000 (shared) |
1 or 4 | 1 or 4 | New 2017! Become the exclusive sponsor of our new conference mobile app. Sponsorship includes banner ad/your logo on all app pages. This sponsorship can also be shared by up to 4 vendors. Shared sponsorship will shuffle vendor logos/banner on a 5 sec. timed delay. |
Mobile App Push Notifications | $1,000 | 6 | 4 | New 2017! 1 Push notification per day sent to all users of the conference mobile app. Vendor chooses day of delivery. 3 available per day (Wednesday or Thursday) |
Lunch Sponsorship | $2,500 | 2 | 2 | Vendor sponsors lunch for one day for 1500 attendees. Sponsor will have sign with company name and logo on each table. |
Vendor Sessions | $1000 | 21 | 2 | 55 minute workshop/session. Limited availability: 12 sessions on Wed. (10/19) and 9 sessions on Thursday (10/20). First-come, first-serve basis with a limit of one session per vendor per day. Workshops are presented in 780 square ft suite, set up theater or classroom style. |
Video Package (Includes both days of conference) | $750 | 8 | 0 | SOLD |
Conference Bags | $16,000 | 1 | 0 | SOLD! Thank you to HUB Tech! |
Lanyard and Name Badges | $8,500 | 1 | 0 | SOLD! Thank you to Unifiied Networking Solutions! |
Conference Programming
Workshop Schedule
We have a new mobile app this year. Download from your mobile device or from your computer to view our presenters and workshop titles for the fall conference. Or do a search at the app store for AttendeeHub. Download AttendeeHub and then search for the event: #MassCUE17. Click the download button to install the app on your mobile device. The Daily Workshop Schedule is posted in the app.
Conference Schedule
Exhibitor Set-Up: Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Date | Time | Activity/Event |
10/24/17 | 1:00 PM | Registration Opens |
10/24/17 | 1:00 PM | Exhibitor Set Up |
Conference Day 1: Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Date | Time | Activity |
10/25/17 | 7:00 AM | Registration Opens |
10/25/17 | 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM | Exhibit Hall Open |
10/25/17 | 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM | Visit Exhibitors |
10/25/17 | 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | KEYNOTE |
10/25/17 | 10:15 AM – 11:10 AM | Session 1 (55 Mins) |
10/25/17 | 11:30 AM – 12:25 PM | Session 2 (55 Mins) |
10/25/17 | 11:30 AM | Lunch Opens for Vendors |
10/25/17 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM | Lunch & Exhibits (90 Mins) |
10/25/17 | 1:30 PM – 2:25 PM | Session 3 (55 Mins) |
10/25/17 | 2:45 PM – 3:40 PM | Session 4 (55 Mins) |
Conference Day 2: Thursday, October 26, 2017
Date | Time | Activity |
10/26/17 | 7:00 AM | Registration Opens |
10/26/17 | 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM | Exhibit Hall Open |
10/26/17 | 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM | Visit Exhibitors |
10/26/17 | 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | CUEByte Speakers |
10/26/17 | 10:15 AM – 11:10 AM | Session 5 (55 Mins) |
10/26/17 | 11:30 AM – 12:25 PM | Session 6 (55 Mins) |
10/26/17 | 11:30 AM | Lunch Opens for Vendors |
10/26/17 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM | Lunch & Exhibits (90 Mins) |
10/26/17 | 1:30 PM – 2:25 PM | Session 7 (55 Mins) |
10/26/17 | 2:45 PM – 3:40 PM | Session 8 (55 Mins) |
Session Presenters
Coming October 1, 2017: The MassCUE Presenter Flipgrid! Watch our presenters give a brief promo of their session.
Featured Speakers
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Dr. Ruha Benjamin, Princeton University
Ruha Benjamin is a professor of African American studies at Princeton University and author of People’s Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier (Stanford University Press). She has studied the social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine for over fifteen years and speaks widely on issues of innovation, equity, health, and justice in the U.S. and globally.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
CUEByte Speakers
Sachi Badola
Sachi is a 7th grade student within the Chelmsford Public Schools. She is a multitalented honors student with a passion for STEM, music, and drama. Sachi has worked with Dr. Matthew Beyranevand to create math music videos to promote girls’ interest in mathematics and growth mindset.
Steve Dembo
A pioneer in the field of educational social networking, Steve Dembo was among the first to realize the power of blogging, podcasting, Twitter, and other Web 2.0 technologies in connecting educators and creating professional learning communities. Steve Dembo served for ten years as Discovery Education’s Director of Learning Communities and led their Innovation and Strategy team. He is the co-author of the book Untangling the Web: 20 Tools to Power Up Your Teaching. The National School Board Association named him one of 2010’s “Twenty to Watch,” a list honoring individuals finding innovative ways to use technology to increase classroom learning. In 2013 he began serving the Skokie/Morton Grove District 69 as a member of the School Board. Dembo is a course designer and adjunct professor for Wilkes University where he serves as class instructor for the Internet Tools for Teaching course within the Instructional Media degree program.
Mary Skipper
Mary Skipper is in her third year as Superintendent of the Somerville Public Schools. She joined the district in July of 2015 following an outstanding career at Boston Public Schools, and has quickly made her mark in Somerville as an innovative and visionary thinker, a passionate advocate for all youth, and a strategic systems builder whose approach includes leveraging community resources to support students.
Before coming to Somerville, Superintendent Skipper was Network Superintendent of High Schools for BPS. Among her most notable accomplishments while at BPS, Superintendent Skipper helped launch TechBoston Academy (TBA) as the founding Headmaster in 2002. During her tenure as TBA Headmaster, the Academy grew from a 9-12 high school serving 75 students, to a 6-12 school with a staff of more than 100 serving a diverse student population of more than 1,000, 30% of which were English Language Learners and 25% of which were Special Education students. President Obama visited TBA in March 2011 to recognize TBA’s achievement.
Superintendent Skipper holds a Bachelor’s in English and Latin from Tufts University. She earned a Master’s in Education Policy from Harvard and a Master’s in Urban Education Leadership from Columbia Teachers College. She is currently working toward her Doctorate in Urban Education Leadership from Columbia Teachers College.
Both Days
Featured Speakers
Steve Dembo
A pioneer in the field of educational social networking, Steve Dembo was among the first to realize the power of blogging, podcasting, Twitter, and other Web 2.0 technologies in connecting educators and creating professional learning communities. Steve Dembo served for ten years as Discovery Education’s Director of Learning Communities and led their Innovation and Strategy team. He is the co-author of the book Untangling the Web: 20 Tools to Power Up Your Teaching. The National School Board Association named him one of 2010’s “Twenty to Watch,” a list honoring individuals finding innovative ways to use technology to increase classroom learning. In 2013 he began serving the Skokie/Morton Grove District 69 as a member of the School Board. Dembo is a course designer and adjunct professor for Wilkes University where he serves as class instructor for the Internet Tools for Teaching course within the Instructional Media degree program.
Kerry Gallagher
Kerry Gallagher is a Digital Learning Specialist at St. John’s Prep in Danvers, Massachusetts. She is also the Director of K-12 Education for ConnectSafey.org and an EdSurge Columnist. Kerry is a PBS Digital Innovator, ASCD Emerging Leader, MassCUE Pathfinder, and TEDx speaker. Find her award-winning blog at www.KerryHawk02.com and find her on Twitter at @KerryHawk02.
Martin R. Geoghegan
Martin R. Geoghegan is the Principal of the John T. Nichols, Jr. Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts. Since Marty started at the Nichols, it has gone from little technology to a 1-to-1 Chromebook environment, where Google Suite and Classroom are helping his students see greater success. He was a high school and middle school English teacher before he made his way into administration. He is currently the President of the Massachusetts ASCD Board of Directors and the Middle Level Chair on the MSSAA Board. He founded and moderates the #MSSAAchat on the second Tuesday of each month for all educators. Marty was a MassCUE Pathfinder Award winner for 2016.
Brian McCann
Brian McCann is the principal of Joseph Case High School in Swansea, Mass., from which he graduate in 1980. He has transformed from a tech-philistine five years ago to a Google Certified Educator, digital principal, and ubiquitous Tweeter in four short years. He focuses his digital strengths on school branding and building relationships at his school. Brian is the former president of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), and serves on many MIAA and MSSAA committees. He has been featured at the MSSAA Summer Institute, Aspiring Leaders Conference, NEASC’s Showcase of Model Schools, and recently presented for his first time at ISTE17 and the new National Principals Conference. Brian was Massachusetts 2011 High School Principal of the Year.
Andy Plemmons
Andy Plemmons is the school library media specialist at David C. Barrow Elementary in Athens, GA and a Google Certified Innovator. Some of his honors include the 2016 Library Journal Movers and Shakers, Georgia Exemplary Elementary Library Media Program, finalist for School Library Journal School Librarian of the Year, and the 2015 National School Board Association 20 to Watch. You can follow Andy’s work on Twitter @plemmonsa or on his blog Expect the Miraculous, which was nominated for an Edublogs Award.
Presenters Directory
View the #MassCUE17 full schedule of sessions and presenters here.
Conference Location
Gillette Stadium 1 Patriot Place Foxborough, MA 02035
Nearby Hotels
Hotel Suggestions
MassCUE has secured special pricing at the following hotels
- Renaissance Boston Patriot Place Hotel: Book your group rate for MassCUE Fall Conference
- Hampton Inn Franklin/Milford $130/ Night Book your group rate for MassCUE Fall Conference
- Comfort Inn, Foxboro – $139/night – Call (508) 543-1000 and book your room under the MassCUE group
- Holiday Inn Mansfield-Foxboro, 31 Hampshire St., Mansfield, MA $128/Night (will show up once you book your room. Book your room for the MassCUE Fall Conference
Join Us Online
- Share your experiences online by tagging your posts with: #MassCUE17
Call for Proposals
Accepted Presenters:
Click here to view in-depth information about logistics, registration and promoting your session.
Read the article from Tech & Learning about our Student Showcases!
MassCUE welcomes your coverage of the annual fall MassCUE conference: Global Connections, Digital Learning. Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) is Massachusetts’ affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Each October MassCUE partners with the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.) to host New England’s premiere technology-in-education conference at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The conference provides educators with two days chock-full of workshops and networking opportunities.
Last year MassCUE’s annual conference had a record number of over 1,600 teachers and administrators attending each day. There were over 200 50-minute sessions as well as some longer in-depth two-hour sessions where teachers shared best practices . The 2016 conference promises to be even better! This year more than 130 educational technology companies and 15 nonprofits will show off their wares and promote the latest advances in hardware and software. In addition we have the LearnLaunch Innovation Area where new innovative educational startups demonstrate cutting-edge educational programs. We welcome print, television, radio, and web outlets from across New England to report the news and events of this major education technology event. You can apply for press credentials here.
More Information
For additional information, clarifications, requests for special considerations, and to schedule interviews with keynote speakers, presenters, or MassCUE board members, contact the Conference Committee.
Latest Conference News
Celebration of Educators Kicks Off Fall Conference 2024
The 2024 MassCUE Fall Conference got off to a great start with a celebration of three amazing educators who are using educational technology to make a difference for students and colleagues. The annual President’s Dinner featured an awards ceremony for this year’s Pathfinder, Administrator and Shelley Chamberlain Community Service award winners. Michael Rubin Uxbridge High School Principal ...
Continue ReadingFall Conference 2024: Celebrate our Award Winners
MassCUE is pleased to announce the recipients of the Administrator, Pathfinder and Shelley Chamberlain Community Service Awards. Please join us in congratulating these extraordinary educators. They will be celebrated and receive their awards as part of the MassCUE Fall Conference 2024. Michael Rubin Principal, Uxbridge High School As Principal of Uxbridge High School, Dr. Michael Rubin has built ...
Continue ReadingCall for Proposals: DEADLINE EXTENDED
Submit your proposal to present at the MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference by July 19, 2024. This year’s conference is set for October 16-17, 2024, at Gillette Stadium. The theme is MassCUE4ALL: Going Beyond the Surface. For more information on our theme, conference strands and opportunities to present, visit our Fall Conference 2024 event page. Deadline to submit ...
Continue Reading
35th Anniversary
MassCUE’s 35th Anniversary Year
The idea for Massachusetts Association of Computer-Using Educators (MassCUE) began to germinate in 1982 with a few like-minded individuals. The group, led by Len Huber, saw the need for a state organization to try to pull together all computer-using educators to share their newfound joys and troubles.*
The newly formed organization started as a private foundation for the purpose of “creating, sharing and supporting visions of teaching and learning that focus on uses of technology which enhance the educational environment.” In 1988 MassCUE became a 501 (c)3 and has not stopped growing.
We will celebrate our growth and founding members at our fall conference at Gillette Stadium on October 25, 2017 in several ways. We have funded and awarded nine anniversary scholarships to teachers who have never attended our conference. Read about all nine winners!
Secondly, we will recognize some of our MassCUE founding members as well as former board members before our keynote. This group will be honored during a reception hosted by Discovery Education after the conference that evening. We hope you will join us as we honor those whose groundbreaking work gave us the foundation for a successful organization.
*Read Algot Runeman’s account of the beginning years of MassCUE.
Mobile App Tips
Click here to get the most out of our Mobile App for MassCUE17
Social Media Ambassadors
MassCUE is pleased to announce the following Social Media Ambassadors for the MassCUE 2017 Fall Conference at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA, October 25th and 26th, 2017. Click on each image to follow on Twitter for the latest updates during the Conference!
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Hola! My name is Anthony P. DiFonso, and I am the proud principal of the Henri A. Yelle Elementary School in the great district of Norton, MA. I am the proud dad of two incredible boys, Ben and Jack, as well as being the husband of my much better half, BethAnne, a fellow educator. Being selected as a Social Media Ambassador for MassCUE is a tremendous honor, as I wholeheartedly believe in the enormous positive impact social media has within schools and communities.
Christopher Dodge is currently the Principal of The Dexter Park Innovation School in Orange, MA, serving 350 students in grades 3-6. He began his career as a grade 5 and 6 educator in Petersham, MA. Christopher’s passion as an educator included differentiating mathematics instruction for all students. As a Responsive Classroom® Morning Meeting staff trainer, Christopher is an advocate for students’ social-emotional learning and the impact is has on student achievement. Under his leadership, The Dexter Park Innovation School has moved to an all-inclusion school, servicing students through a co-teaching model of instruction and most recently presented his work at the National Association for Elementary School Principals (NAESP) summer conference in Philadelphia. Christopher serves on the Board of Directors as the Elementary Committee Chairman for the Massachusetts School Administrators Association (MSAA). He is a connected educator who utilizes social media to make family and community connections, and is passionate about educators using social media as a form of ongoing, personalized professional development. He moderates the monthly #MSAAChat and is the coordinator of EdcampNQ in Orange, MA. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram @PrincipalDodge1, on Voxer @cdodge33, and read his blog: http://dexterparkprincipal.blogspot.com/.
Kathleen Reardon is the Director of Academic Technology at Dedham Country Day School and owner of doctiloqua.com, celebrating teaching & parenting in the digital world. She loves exploring new edtech tools, promoting positive digital citizenship skills, and encouraging children to dream full STEAM ahead!
Hello my name is Melissa Wallace and I am the assistant principal at the Florence Roche elementary school in Groton, Massachusetts. I have my Masters degree in special education, instructional technology, and school administration. I am currently working with a group of teachers to develop Google classroom lesson plans. I look forward to being a social media ambassador for MassCUE 2017!
Jessica Walls currently teaches Journalism, College Prep American Literature and AP Literature at Pembroke High School, and this is her first MassCUE Conference. Her interest in educational technology began when she attended the Building Learning Communities Conference in 2014 as part of a district – wide implementation plan to increase the use of technology in all of the Pembroke Public Schools. Jessica is currently finishing the “Navigating Our Digital World” graduate certificate program at Lesley University, as well as training for the NYC Marathon, and she is hoping to rest at some point in the future.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Sarah Hines is a Library Media Specialist for Lawrence School in Falmouth, MA. She lives on Martha’s Vineyard and loves to read, travel, and spend time at the beach.
Lytania Mackey Knowles is energized by her work with students, teachers, and administration K-12 in a field that she is passionate about- technology & education. She enjoys supporting educators by planning and delivering meaningful and relevant professional development and training. In her spare time, she can be found in a sunny spot reading her Kindle, cooking, traveling, and golfing with her husband (a golf coach and elementary teacher).
Megan Haddadi currently serves as the Head of Academic Technology at The Park School in Brookline, MA.Before joining Park she worked at the Buckingham Browne & Nichols School in Cambridge, MA and the King & Low-Heywood Thomas School in Stamford, CT. Megan received her Bachelors in Computer Science from Bryn Mawr College and her Masters in Technology in Education from Lesley University. She is currently pursuing a Certificate in Advanced Education Leadership from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Megan is also a former member of the Scratch Team in the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. In addition to working at The Park School, Megan was chosen by Global Online Academy to be a member of their 2017-2018 inaugural Learning Design Coaches Cohort and is a Community Teaching Assistant for the MIT EdX course “Launching Innovation in Schools: XQ Edition.”
Mary Taylor is the academic coordinator for math grades 6-12 in Norton. This is her 32nd year as a math teacher. Besides teaching in Norton she loves going to all the Norton High sporting events and tweeting from them on her second twitter account.
Live At MassCUE
Want to be part of the excitement at the fall MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Tech conference? Then join us as we broadcast live throughout the day on Wednesday (10/25/17) and Thursday (10/26/17). Watch live interviews with conference attendees, influential educators and featured presenters. Be inspired!
Live broadcast for Day 1
Live broadcast for Day 2
Framingham State Credit
Did you know you can receive 1 Framingham State University credit for attending both days of the fall conference and writing a reflection paper that includes an action plan? See requirements and register

We are pleased to announce the MassCUE and M.A.S.S. 2017 Annual Technology Conference, co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) and the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.). Both organizations recognize the benefits of a collaborative partnership that focuses on the collective interests of our school districts. We will be providing educators from […]
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