Course Overview
Bootcamp : Google Apps for Education (in collaboration with EDCO Collaborative)-Workshop Closed
Boot Camp will be rescheduled for summer 2018!
This 2017 Summer Workshop will be held at:
EDCO Collaborative 36 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford, MA 01730
Course Details
Bootcamp : Google Apps for Education (in collaboration with EDCO Collaborative)
Course Description:This intensive training is designed to introduce experienced users of Google Apps to advanced applications of the most useful tools for educators. This hands-on training will focus on learning new functions and shortcuts in the tools participants are already using: Docs, Gmail, Sites, Calendar, Forms, Chrome, Drive and more. Additionally, time will be spent reviewing and preparing for the requirements to become a Google Educator or Trainer.
Please note: Participants will not be certified by the end of the training, as they have to submit additional material and take tests on their own.
Audience | Regular and special needs educators-This workshop is for intermediate and experienced users of Google |
Level | K-12 with intermediate and advanced skills |
Instructor | Jenn Judkins |
Date | July 12 and 13, 2017 |
Time | 8:30 am to 3:00 pm |
Location | EDCO, 36 Middlesex Turnpike |
MassCUE Member cost | $295 |
Non-member cost | $335 |
Limit | 25 educators |
Graduate credit-optional | At the first class, participants may choose to register for 1 graduate credit through Worcester State University for an additional fee of $125. All participants, including those who do not opt for graduate credit, will receive a certificate documenting the number of course hours attended. |
Detailed Schedule
Detailed Schedule
Day 1:
Chrome Web Browser Superpowers: Managing multiple users, Chrome Extensions & Apps, Tab Management
Advanced Google Drive: Organizing Google Drive (color coding folders, saving file to multiple folders), Drive settings, organizing shared files, sharing permissions
Streamline Workflows with Google Classroom: Digital workflow using Google Classroom, parent notification options, connected apps/sites
Get Organized with Google Calendar: Creating and sharing calendars, adding recurring events, sending invitations, “Find a time”, Calendar settings, embedding calendars into Sites
Day 2:
Tame your inbox with Gmail: Customizing Gmail, Gmail Labs (Canned Responses), Filters, Sign out remotely, contacts
Advanced Google Docs: Popular Add-ons, Explore tool, working with images, Bookmarks & table of contents, revision history, tips for providing feedback to students in Google Docs
Getting Geeky with Google Forms & Sheets: Creating & customizing Forms, using Google Sheets to view and analyze data using graphs/charts, formulas and pivot tables
Using the NEW Google Sites: Create & customize a Google Site, understand latest features of the newly redesigned Google Sites platform.
Jennifer Judkins
Jennifer Judkins provides on-going professional development as well as in-class support to teachers and students in grades K-12 as a Digital Learning Coordinator in the Lynnfield Public Schools District. Jenn is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, 2016 MassCUE Pathfinder and 2015 PBS Lead Digital Innovator. A regular presenter at regional and national conferences, Jenn is passionate about helping teachers gain confidence and proficiency in their use of technology. Jenn curates useful technology resources, tip sheets and integration ideas for educators on her blog, and is a co-host on the TechEducator Podcast. She can be found on Twitter @TeachingForward

Bootcamp : Google Apps for Education (in collaboration with EDCO Collaborative)-Workshop Closed
EDCO Collaborative