Strategies and Free Digital Resources for all grades
Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) and Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) have joined forces with WGBH to offer an exciting professional learning event focusing on media literacy and its importance in education today.
This informal event will open with appetizers and drinks, followed by a Keynote address by Andrew Metz, Managing Editor for FRONTLINE. Attendees will then have the opportunity to attend one breakout session planned by librarians, instructional technology specialists, and classroom teachers. Join us for the low price of $35.
Serious Journalism for Serious Times
Join FRONTLINE Managing Editor Andrew Metz for a conversation about the acclaimed series’ values and standards, and doing tough, fair investigative journalism when trust in the media is at an historic low and the president has cast the press as “fake news” and an enemy of the people.
Andrew Metz is FRONTLINE’s Managing Editor. With Executive Producer Raney Aronson-Rath, he oversees the editorial mission for FRONTLINE, working with journalists to develop and produce original stories, reviewing reporting for all FRONTLINE’s programming and managing collaborations with the series’ many journalism partners.
From the emergence of ISIS to the wars in Syria and Yemen, from the 2016 presidential election to the plight of refugees and immigrants in the U.S. and abroad, the work he has overseen at FRONTLINE has won every major award in broadcast journalism, as well as an Academy Award nomination for the 2017 film, Abacus: Small Enough to Jail.
Read more about Andrew HERE
Cocktails & hors d’oeuvres | McSweeney PD Center Cafeteria | 4:00 – 5:00 PM |
Keynote Address | Seefurth Room A&B | 5:00 – 5:50 PM |
Session 1: Telling Science Fact From Science Fiction | Seefurth A | 6:00 – 7:00 PM |
Session 2: Fighting Fake News: Information Literacy in the Curriculum | Seefurth B | 6:00 – 7:00 PM |
Session 3: Media Literacy and PBS LearningMedia™ | Thoreau | 6:00 – 7:00 PM |
Session 4: Media Literacy Skills Through Collaboration for the Lower Grades | Room 205 | 6:00 – 7:00 PM |
Breakout Sessions
Choose from one of four session offerings!
Session 1: Telling Science Fact From Science Fiction

Heather Goldstone
Presented by: Dr. Heather Goldstone
Heather Goldstone is a scientist-turned-journalist whose work introduces audiences to the excitement of discovery and the importance of science in our daily lives. She is science correspondent for WCAI and WGBH Radio, and host of Living Lab Radio, a weekly live-interview show about science and culture. She holds a Ph.D. in ocean science from M.I.T. and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Her reporting on science and the environment has appeared on NPR, PBS News Hour, The Takeaway, and PRI’s The World. In 2014, she was recognized for the breadth of her reporting with WGBH’s Margret and Hans Rey/Curious George Producer award.
Three important and timely topics will be covered in this session
1. The current state of science literacy and why we sometimes deny factual information. 2. The science building on that which suggests we shouldn’t be calling anything “fake news”. 3. How to be a science-savvy media consumer and how to teach others to be science-savvy.
Session 2: Fighting Fake News: Information Literacy in the Curriculum

Newton South High School Teacher Librarians, Margaret Schoen, Katherine Steiger & Jennifer Dimmick
Presented by: Margaret Schoen, Teacher Librarian, Newton South High School, Newton, MA Katherine Steiger, Teacher Librarian, Newton South High School, Newton, MA Jennifer Dimmick, Teacher Librarian, Newton South High School, Newton, MA
Our students live in a world that is drowning in information – some of it factual, but much of it not. How do we educate our students to navigate a world where much of the information they’re being bombarded with is designed to manipulate them? How do we teach students to apply these same skills to evaluate the news and information they see all around them? Where does this kind of information and media literacy fit in the school’s curriculum?
In this session, Newton South HS Librarians will share how they help students and faculty navigate the world of fake news and propaganda, develop research guides and tools for independent research, and share links to fact-checking sites such as and Politifact, as well as tips on how to reverse image searches on Google. Experiences working with classroom teachers to integrate these lessons and providing real-world in the moment lessons will also be shared.
Session 3: Media Literacy and PBS LearningMedia™

Rachel Chouinard

Carolyn Jacobs

Christian Scott
Rachel Chouinard, 3rd grade teacher Liberty Elementary School, Springfield, MA Christian Scott, 7th grade Social Studies teacher, Boston Public Schools, Patrick Lyndon K-8 Pilot School, Boston, MA Carolyn Jacobs, Senior Training Manager, WGBH Education
- The News and Media Literacy collection on PBS LearningMedia which includes videos, blog articles, student handouts, lesson plans, and tip sheets for families, helps students identify, analyze, and investigate the news and information they get from online sources. Contributors to this collection include PBS NewsHour and Common Sense Media.
- Interactive Lessons on PBS LearningMedia engage students K-12 in analyzing primary sources, images, and video while gathering evidence to respond to an over-arching question in one of the major content areas. Lesson titles include Animals and Plants Can Live in a City for grades K-2; Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Variations for grades 3-5; How Disruptions Affect Animal Populations for grades 6-9; Design Apps that Help Others and build Empathy for grades 6-12; Who, Me? Biased? Understanding Implicit Bias for grades 6-12; FRONTLINE | Police Reform for grades 9-12, and many, many more. In fact, there are over 200 Interactive Lessons on the site!
Session 4: Media Literacy Skills Through Collaboration for the Lower Grades

Jesse Zeng

Morgan Van Clief

Kyle Bounty
Presented by: Kyle Bounty, 3rd grade teacher, P.A. Shaw Elementary School, Dorchester, MA Morgan Van Clief, Library Media Specialist, P.A. Shaw Elementary School, Dorchester, MA Jesse Zeng, Library Teacher, Boston Green Academy, Brighton, MA
How do we meet the needs of today’s digital learners and provide them with the skills they need to succeed outside the classroom? What’s the best way to help them become empowered, creative and responsible communicators across different media? The more students read, the more likely they are to think critically, learn independently and develop a lifelong love of reading. Using a variety of digital tools can help students develop strategies to understand information AND ignite a passion in them to become readers. Participants will see how media literacy education can be incorporated across the current teacher education curriculum with the help of the school librarian and other staff in the school building, giving students a chance to develop essential critical thinking skills using digital resources. Collaboration amongst teachers will lead to increased learning access for students.
Register Now
Sold Out!
Media Literacy: Now More Than Ever is now filled. Please contact MassCUE if you would like to be added to our waiting list.
All sponsorships filled!
Thank you to the following sponsors for this event!
Click on logos below for more information!
Sponsorship includes:
- Banquet table for materials
- Two complimentary registrations
- Recognition before keynote along with 1-minute time slot to address attendees
- Logo on website 3 months prior and up to event
Expected Demographics
We expect 80 educators (Integration Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Content Coordinators, etc.) for this event.
Please contact Shelley Chamberlain, Executive Director of MassCUE, for more information.

Strategies and Free Digital Resources for all grades . Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) and Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) have joined forces with WGBH to offer an exciting professional learning event focusing on media literacy and its importance in education […]
EDCO Collaborative