EdCamp MALeads Brings Leaders Together to Share Ideas on a Post-Pandemic Future
By Bobbie French
What could be better than spending the day connecting with other educators and sharing ideas on topics you chose? Getting to do it IN PERSON after a year of being virtual!!
We were excited to bring EdCamp MALeads back to the Massachusetts School Administrators’ Association (MSAA) offices in Franklin but we didn’t want to leave anyone out. We decided to offer a hybrid model. This allowed educators to choose either in-person or virtual options. The virtual option provided a method for our colleagues across the state, New England and even the country to join us!
Participants chose from a variety of topics to learn or share about. The topics are always participant-driven and this year they ranged from supporting student mental health needs, implementing Tier 2 interventions, motivating, inspiring and supporting teachers, engagement, PBL, inclusion and acceptance for all to balancing SEL with academics and middle school science and engineering.
There was a buzz in the air that morning as people gathered and saw each other in person for the first time in two years. There was just as much excitement seeing our colleagues who ‘zoomed’ in. There was a sense of getting back to a type of normalcy as we discussed moving forward this year as we got further and further away from focusing our time on COVID regulations. Teachers and principals shared about the positives of being back in school.
Each session offered a lot of discussion, sharing of new ideas and the creation of a shared notes document. Everyone left EdCamp with ideas they could implement right away and new connections.
The session on changing school culture and climate as we make our way out of the pandemic connected participants to the work of Jimmy Casas and Todd Whitaker. Ideas were shared about ‘Mission Moments’ and a variety of articles on rethinking staff meetings. Participants left with links to articles and resources to help plan for the rest of the school year and beyond.
Our EdCamp days always end with a ‘throw down,’ giving participants the opportunity to share their highlights from the day and win prizes! We are thankful to MassCUE for supporting our EdCamp. Their support allows us to purchase books from Dave Burgess Consulting to give away as prizes. These book giveaways allow participants to continue their learning beyond EdCamp.
Mark your calendars for EdCamp MALeads ‘23
February 11, 2023
All educators are welcome to join us.
Bobbie French has been an educator for over 24 years. She has been an elementary guidance counselor, elementary classroom teacher, special education coordinator, Title I Director, Preschool Director and Administrator. Many of these positions overlapped which happens when you work in smaller school districts.
Bobbie believes in schools that focus on the whole child and creates an environment where all students feel they belong. Bobbie is also an avid photographer and loves to tell her school’s story. Learn more about her on her website.