On Monday, July 15, more than 30 educators gathered at Barnstable High School for EdCamp Cape Cod. Some came from as far away as Chicago! EdCamp Cape Cod is in its 7th year, and we had many returning edcampers, as well as a good amount of first time edcampers!
From the moment people showed up to check in, until the last group left, the conversations were focused on ways to engage students, improve teaching, update curriculum, use online tools, and so much more. There were some “show and tell” sessions, and many discussion sessions. EdCamps have a way of bringing together upbeat, positive-thinking educators who are always looking to improve their practice and help others improve.
After the opening remarks and explanation of the session board, the educators were set free to create the sessions. Within 10 minutes, all 15 sessions slots were filled. During sessions, some teachers chose to meet in the main auditorium and have their own impromptu sessions. The learning and sharing that took place was outstanding. There were sessions about online engaging tools, Stop Motion videos, Flipgrid, discussions about Makerspace, what inspired people to become teachers, blended learning and so much more.
You can see an electronic version of the session board here. The EdCampers were great about taking notes at the sessions, so feel free to click on any session to see what was shared! And why not add to the conversation if you can, and keep #EdCampCapeCod going longer than just one day!
There were a lot of great prizes shared throughout the day to EdCampers who were tweeting and sharing the learning online. They were given a #TweetTreat. Some #TweetTreats were EdCampCapeCod mugs, Flipgrid T-shirts, Tote bags, and gift cards to Dunkin Donuts. During the Smackdown (end of day sharing session), the really cool big prizes were given out. Huge thank you to our sponsors that donated amazing prizes for our participants. In between the prizes, EdCampers shared more ideas/tools, and gave shout outs to great things they learned from their sessions. You can see the “stream of consciousness” sharing that took place here.
We want to thank everyone for coming out on a beautiful summer day to share and learn from each other. When we started EdCamp Cape Cod 7 years ago, we never imagined how much amazing professional development would take place by such enthusiastic educators. We look forward to seeing you again next year for EdCamp Cape Cod 2020!