Digital Educator Recognition Program Updated
MassCUE has just finished updating its popular Digital Education Recognition Program with new and innovative modules.
Earn up to four badge levels, along with added benefits to your MassCUE membership! Display the badges you earn proudly on your website, social media channels and all forms of digital communication!
This four-level program is available to all MassCUE members at no additional cost. Each badge requires completion of modules within the Infobase Learning Cloud platform. Access to Infobase is included with every MassCUE membership! While we encourage participants to earn all four badges, each level is awarded a badge upon module submissions, completions and approval from MassCUE’s PD Committee.
Special Note: In the fall of 2021 we reviewed our program and updated Badges 1-3 as of January 2022. Educators who have earned badges do not need to redo the program, but we encourage educators who have not participated to start with the Level 1 Explorer Badge.
Learn more about this program.