CUEByte Speakers
Thursday, October 15th starting at 8:30 a.m.
Marlena Gross-Taylor
Marlena Gross-Taylor is the founder of EduGladiators and a nationally recognized edleader with a proven track record of improving educational and operational performance through vision, strategic planning, leadership, and team building. A Nashville transplant originally from southern Louisiana, Marlena’s educational experience spans several states allowing her to have served K-12 students in both rural and urban districts. She has been recognized as a middle school master teacher and innovative administrator at the elementary, middle, high school and district levels. Because of her sound knowledge of both elementary and secondary education, Marlena has broad-based experience creating and implementing dynamic interactive programs to attain district goals while leveraging her flexibility, resourcefulness, and organizational and interpersonal skills to foster learning through a positive, encouraging environment.
As a proud Louisiana State University alumni, she is committed to excellence and believes all students can achieve. Follow Marlena on Twitter @mgrosstaylor or visit her website:
Henry Turner
Henry Turner is in his 9th year as a High School principal in Massachusetts. He speaks nationally and locally sharing his experience as the principal at Newton North and his previous role as principal at Bedford High School. As principal at Bedford High School, he led a successful 1:1 iPad program by focusing on developing critical and deep thinking skills, incorporating diverse perspectives and using PLCs as a forum for professional learning. Currently, as principal at Newton North High School, he is leading a 1:1 laptop program for 2200 students as well as working to grow culturally responsive instructional practices in all classrooms. He is most proud that both high schools empower students to fight hate and bigotry while strengthening their school community. He is on social media @turnerhj.