MassCUE is a welcoming professional organization with the purpose of connecting educators who embrace the use of a variety of resources, including technology, to assist in helping students learn. For some educators, the only connection to MassCUE is attendance at the Fall Conference in October. MassCUE has many ways to connect with others both face-to-face and online.
Special Interest Groups offer scheduled times to meet and collaborate on how to use new software or hardware, as well as discuss emerging pedagogical changes. SIGs are usually formed in two ways – Area SIGs or Topical SIGs. They may meet online or face-to-face. The purpose is to bring people together to collaborate on issues of interest for school curricula and school management. They may decide that members will share leading and presenting about a successful integration of technology or some other area of interest. They may invite a vendor to discuss a particular tool or to give an overview of their products.
Did you know that you can start a SIG? There are benefits for SIG Leaders. You have to be a member to be a SIG Leader, but anyone interested may attend a SIG meeting.
Professional Development We provide opportunities for workshops, both face-to-face and online. This gives participants a chance to learn new things, meet new people, and to continue collaborating.
Learning Tours These work in two ways. If you are proud of the way your school uses technology in education, you may contact MassCUE and offer to host a Learning Tour. If you want to see what other schools are doing, you may sign up to attend a Learning Tour.
Join a Committee Most people join committees because they want to meet new people and they want to make a difference. People who are willing to volunteer their services to help promote the mission and goals of MassCUE are always welcome. You have to be a member to join a committee.
Spring Leadership Conference This annual event has been very popular with both leadership teams and individual educators as a time to explore trends in education in a one-day format. It’s a wonderful time to visit and collaborate with old friends and to meet new ones who are interested in successful use of technology for education.
Collaborate for a Grant Work with colleagues from your school or district to write a proposal for one of our competitive classroom grants. It’s a great way to stretch your thinking and to enrich the curriculum for your students.
Social Media is ever-growing and offers experiences for forming groups of like-minded educators. Alliances made after meeting educators from other communities may be continued in specified groups on social media.
If you have an idea for other ways we might serve the educational community, please share with us. Find more information on ways to connect between the Fall Conferences at
Bev Reber has served on the MassCUE Board of Directors since 1996. She also serves as the Chair of the Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee, and is a member of both the Development & Outreach and Elections Committees.