MassCUE Looking Forward
Just as technology evolves, our organization needs to keep pace. The mission of MassCUE, an organization of technology-using educators, is to create, share, and support visions of teaching and…
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Meet Our New Board Members, 2013
MassCUE is very fortunate to have a dedicated and accomplished Board of Directors, each of whom donates many hours to ensure that MassCUE continues to flourish! It is…
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We Are All Self-Directed Learners Now
We are experiencing a renaissance of information and ideas with our country’s leading educational institutions like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford offering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The introduction…
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Message from the Executive Director to the MassCUE Membership
Welcome back to another school year. Most of us start the year with recounting a summer experience. I would like to tell you about the MassCUE/LearnLaunch Beta Teacher event…
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Visit LearnLaunch at our fall MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Conference
October 23 and 24, 2014 Welcome back to another school year. Most of us start the year with recounting a summer experience. I would like to tell you about the…
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Authentic Digital Assessments: Web2.0 tools to prepare students for the real world
As a technology teacher, I often focus on tool instruction. As an integration specialist there is less emphasis on tool instruction but more emphasis on choosing tools to accomplish…
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Solid State of Mind
Solid-state storage technologies have greatly elevated our computing devices in the past few years. From flash memory storage found in iPads and other tablets to solid-state drives (SSD) found…
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