MassCUE’s Learning Tour: Tangible, Hands-on Programming
On November 16th grade 3 students at Hillside School in Needham showed off their programming skills to an excited group of teachers. Maria DeCicco, the district’s Instructional Technology Specialists…
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Winter Googlepalooza Registration is Open!
Looking for an exciting way to spend one day of your February school vacation? Join other educators for a…
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Sign up now for Cohort 2: Leadership in Blended Learning
Attention School Leaders: Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of a job-embedded professional learning experience that prepares your school-based leadership team to lead a digital and blended learning transition in…
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Call for Proposals for MassCUE/MASCD Spring Leadership Conference 2017
Attention Educators: Apply now to present at the MassCUE/MASCD leadership conference, Leveraging Technology to Empower the Whole Child. Workshop presentations should focus on…
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SpeakUp Surveys-Participate Now!
MassCUE encourages school districts to participate in the SpeakUP Surveys before January 13, 2017! Speak Up, an online national…
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Microsoft eXplore Event
Join other educators for a special all day event exploring Microsoft tools. Date: November 17, 2016 Location: Microsoft Office, 5 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA,…
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Learning Innovation Showcase at LearnLaunch
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Fall Conference 2016 Photo Contest Winners
Congratulations to the following teachers for winning our photo contest. These winners are awarded a year membership to MassCUE! Chrystal Hoe for her 360 view of the conference
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Navigating My First MassCUE Conference
I was able to handle a 3D printed brain, create tools out of paper clips, and see what a Harriet Tubman monument might look like from an 8th grader’s…
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Do You See Yourself at MassCUE16?
See All The Great Moments Captured We are so excited to see all of these great moments captured from last week’s Fall Conference, #MassCUE16. With over 3,000…
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MassCUE16: Special Movie Screening – Get Your Tickets
Attend This Conference Special Event MassCUE is proud to announce a special screening of the engaging educational movie: Beyond Measure: Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation with a panel discussion to follow. When: …
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Social Media Ambassadors Announced!
MassCUE is pleased to announce that the following educators have been selected to be our Social Media Ambassadors for the fall conference 2016:
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