MassCUE’s fall 2018 lineup of online and face-to-face workshops
Attention Educators: Have you seen our new line-up of workshops? Sign up now to be jump start your professional learning for the new school year!
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BLC Conference Experience, Part 1
November Learning’s Building Learning Communities Conference was abuzz with education’s greatest challenge: the need to shift its course to meet the needs…
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Registration for Speak Up 2018 is Open!
District and school leaders can sign up now to participate in Speak Up 2018-19! (The survey period will be open from October 15,…
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Download the Fall Conference 2018 Mobile App!
Our mobile app, Crowd Compass, is ready to download. Get all the latest information about our presenters, sessions and special interactive spaces…
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Reminder: Call for Proposals for MassCUE’s Datapalooza 2019
MassCUE’s Datapalooza is back by popular demand! Does your school or district have a data team that is willing to share…
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Social Media Ambassador Applications for Fall Conference Now Open!
Interested in playing an important role at the MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Tech Conference? Then apply to be one of 4 Social Media Ambassadors. The…
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Adam Newell
How would you describe student engagement? Do you look at your students and wonder if they truly understand? Creating…
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Volunteer for the MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference!
Volunteer Opportunities Available! Why not attend the MassCUE/M.A.S.S. fall conference coming up in October at a deep discount! Attending as a volunteer…
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“Littles” & Google Apps: They Can Do It!
by Nancy Carroll Lately, as a Digital Learning Coach I have had the opportunity to spend time with kindergarteners and 1st…
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Attention First Year Teachers: Sign up for free MassCUE Membership!
In recognition of the need to encourage educators to continue learning, MassCUE offers free membership for one year to Massachusetts public and private…
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